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Top up water...

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Hey all... so someone at work the other day brought up something interesting... He said do you have a dehumidifyer?.. I thought.. hmm.. yes. could I?
So I'll be honnest I never thought of that, but.. Does anyone know if I could use that to top off my tank?

I don't have RO/DI right now so thats out of the question.. I live in the country and we are on a well.. Do you think the dehumidifyer would be better then the tap water?

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  1. Jessy's Avatar
    I honestly don't know. It would seem pure, but wouldn't you have to worry about all the dust and crap in the air getting in the water?
  2. Spyder's Avatar
    I would worry about a lot of things doing that but the first thing that pops into my head is that the water forms on an aluminum coil that is soldered together in most cases and the questions that I am left with is does anything leach out of that and how much corrosion happens in the process. I can't answer either so I wouldn't personally feel comfortable doing that.
  3. melev's Avatar
    Don't do it. Bad idea and a huge risk of contamination.
  4. trplxj's Avatar
    I wouldn't do it. every time i empty mine the water has a blue color to it. No way would I want to put that into my tank, not even my freshwater tanks.
  5. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    You could turn it into a chiller!
  6. TheBChamp's Avatar
    Yeah I dont really need a chiller up here.. lol. But noted that I will not use that water... I unfortunately lost my clown over the weekend... and so now im thinkin im gonna have to break down and get an RO/DI.. Im