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Not just a floss question.

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My 135 has been running now for several (7-9) months. I am running a skimmer and a natureef denitrator with the phosphagone option for 3-4l months as well. The denitrators bacteria has grown well and has brought my nitrates down from around 40ppm to zero. My phosphates are hovering around .25 and im starting to get tiny amounts of very light green hair and cyano on a new piece of live rock i added a month or two ago. I have had filter floss running which i change out every couple of weeks. Tonight i took the floss out thinking it might be my problem. I have a large clown that kicks up a lot of sand. Should I keep the floss for the clowns sand issue or is the floss the likely culprit of the phosphate problem. Oh and I also run my lights for: white 5 hrs blue 7 hrs.

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  1. OKREEF's Avatar
    Oh! one more thing. Light is getting to my sump since the clown clears a spot all the way to the glass bottom. Could this be a problem?
  2. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I dont run floss but 2 weeks seems long for cleaning your intake filter material. I run socks and clean every 3 days. Food with fish meal includes ground bones which is a source of po4 and with changing every 2 weeks that might be where some is coming from
  3. jlemoine2's Avatar
    I agree with DJ. If you still want to run with the floss, just change it out more often, perhaps every few days. Leaving it in there for weeks at a time may or may not be the source of the problem, but it certainly is not helping.
  4. melev's Avatar
    You want PO4 at .03ppm - .25 is too high.