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A journey in the art of steeping cash in saltwater.

My past reef keeping.

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Well the title says it all I guess, that's what this hobby is, and I assume it probably won't get any cheaper. But now lest I digress further from the proposed topic of this blog, I will explain my current tank situation. I am, at the moment left sadly tankless but this is a necessary thing. Key word here folks, Im 18 and just went off to college a few months ago. Happy days! This blog here is simply a way for me to escape calculus and genetics for a few hours! I am however, planning two tanks for the summer! However before I move into the future let me give you a recap of my past:

Like all new aquarists, I dove in with almost reckless abandon. It doesn't help that I was lazy, I still am but now I can get the saltwater for a water change from the place near my apartment... Anyway so I dove in. I had a fifty five gallon tank, standard nothing too special. I had as I recall 110 watts of PC lighting over the tank and that was enough, for a while. Of course the first thing I bought was a clownfish, a pair of black and white Ocellaris clowns. They did well, but I wanted to see clowns hosting in an anemone. So I sold my two buddies and bought a beautiful RBTA. The next day I had RBTA stew due to a powerhead. A night of water changes and worry later, my tank went through a small second cycle and that was done no harm, well, beyond my pride. By this point I had several small corals, just some kenyas and an organ coral. My tank looked good. I still wanted my hosting anemone and clowns. So I upgraded my lighting to t-5 400 watts and Bought a second RBTA and then promptly some clowns. Mind you this is a year after the tank was up. This RBTA thrived. The clowns were absolutely beautiful in their anemone. About 6 months later, here was the condition of my nem:

Yes that was my anemone it was freakin great. It was that way for nearly another 7 months, then I had to go to college. That was that

I also kept a small mantis that I called Davo. He was a member of the species G. Smithii and lived in a small nanocube.

Well thats that.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    I bet your future tanks will benefit from your past experience as well as your current research. What are you studying in college? Got a goal yet?
  2. PBlueKan's Avatar
    Micro Bio, looking at genetics. Goal: sit back, relax, enjoy.