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Looking at getting into the LED market...

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Looking to get some of the Apollo Reef LED Ultra fixtures to hang over my 110H. Anyone have experience, feelings towards or against, or pictures of these lights in action?

Kinda working within a budget and two of these fall right into the 700 - 800 buck range, right where I want to be.

Videos and information on thier site shows the PAR levels and from I understand about PAR - the levels the LED put out will definately work with my softy and LPS mixture of coral.

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Updated 08-30-2011 at 04:20 PM by melev



  1. Heathd's Avatar
    They are using bridgelux leds if I recall correctly. Bridgelux LEDs arent bad by any means. They look similar in build and size when compared to the evolution LED lights fixtures, which do just fine at keep SPS.

    The Apollo fixture should certainly be enough to keep softies and LPS alive. May want to do a quick look on youtube to see if there are any videos of them in action.
  2. TBDuval's Avatar
    Those LED's don't look bad at all. They should be able to keep almost anything alive in a tank.