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Now the official Teco chiller repair tech

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I am now the official authorized repair tech for all of North America for Teco so if you have any repairs or questions feel free to ask they will have a web page for me up shortly. I also repair all other brand chillers too!

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  1. melev's Avatar
    This blog is worthless without pictures. We want to see images of you at work with your sexy Teco jumpsuit on.
  2. stangchris's Avatar
    i have a jbj with a leak that seems to be in the titanium exchanger...... any way to fix that. i do hvac so i have a "sniffer" only place it goes off and only last a month after each refill of refridgerant.
  3. Bobbywade's Avatar
    You can get a replacement chiller drum and change it out a lot of the titanium tubing leaks from not being welded correctly