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  1. DI Question

    Do you guys discard a DI cartridge at a reading of 1 or just keep it till it goes higher?
    I remember reading about DI releasing ammonia (something about binding power) first when exhausted, Any truth to that?
    If that's true then one shouldn't even have two inline as after the first is exhausted it'll just saturate the following one with ammonia?
    Thanks for your help.

    Updated 03-06-2011 at 09:58 PM by melev

    Questions - Need some input
  2. Nitrates Filter question

    Experimenting with using Kent Nitrogen sponge in a reactor with some low flow for nitrate reduction.
    What flow would you suggest for a start and how would you modify it as the filter matures?
    I've read about denitrators and flow is in the order of drop per minute... would you think in a reactor setup I should be doing the same or should I have some low flow pump (50GPH?) directly connected?
    what should I wait/Look for to modify my flow through it?
    Thanks ...

    Updated 03-03-2011 at 01:28 PM by melev

    Water Chemistry
  3. Sump Design

    This is the sump design I have in mind

    Tank Stand is 80"x 34"x38"
    Expect to loose 8-10 inches of height due to clearance below the stand and bracing... so assuming I have 36-37 inches of height for skimmers and equipment. Planning to use my Hurricone Cat 1 but verylikely will add any of the Sper Reef OCtopus 5000 Series and keep both if they fit.
    those skimmers ...

    Updated 06-30-2010 at 04:14 PM by melev

  4. Maroun 340G Tank build Thread

    Finally I'm starting a long waited upgrade.

    Would like to begin by thanking my wife and family for the great support, in tolerating my hobby and especially for maintaining the tank while I’m on frequent travel.
    A special thanks to a group of local reefers here, that already helped a lot and will for sure contribute in decisions and all aspects of the coming build.
    A big thanks goes to Marc who was a great help on my last 150 Build and who provided lots of effort in a ...

    Updated 06-29-2010 at 12:43 PM by maroun.c

    Tank - Full Summary
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