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Tank Entry

  1. Test results for August

    I need to make a fancy table like Melev has, this was cut and pasted from a MS Excel spread sheet. Blanks are for lack of kits, where as zeros meant tested but undetectable results. I have not put my CA reactor on line as it is not needed at this point. I may need to bring the ALK up a smidge and let the CAL drop a smidge but other than that the numbers look good. That said I am still observing some stringy brown algae junk that I am certain will eventually fade, even though it does detract ...

    Updated 08-26-2012 at 04:02 PM by Midnight

    Tank Entry , ‎ Water Chemistry
  2. Baby is 1 Month Old

    My tank has been officially set up for one month now. Things are starting to settle down now. I have seen a lot of stringy brown algae and I had about three days of Diatoms. I have been cleaning the skimmer cup daily for the most part. I have added 5 frags and 5 Pajama cardinals. There is not a lot to see as the tank is huge and the livestock is minimal at this point. Regardless, i wanted to document and share. The fish are all staying Primarily on one end of the tank, I am not sure how to ...

    Updated 08-17-2012 at 05:51 AM by Midnight

    Tank Entry , ‎ Photography/Video
  3. Some things have gotten done

    I have been taking things slow, as I do not want to rush into anything with this tank. I am also now waiting on my wife, the teacher, to start getting paid again. It's tough to start stocking a tank when your account says stop, no, and don't.

    I ordered this 48" LED light from They carry many different styles of LED fixtures and this one seem to fit my bill the best.

    EvoSlim Aluminum Striplight 48" 36watt

    The one I have is composed ...
    Tank Entry
  4. An update for Marc, more to come in the afternoon

    Marc being the smart *** that he is wanted a two week update, so being the smart *** that I am here you go:

    Watching the tank grow can be exhausting though.

    More to follow
    Tank Entry , ‎ Humour
  5. Day 1, Friday the 13th

    Just as good a day as any to give your new tank its fist birthday. Right now between 1600 and 1800 all the lights are on, I have set them each for 6 hours with a two hour start delay for each halide. As you can see I have not cut off the threaded stock from the lights because the lights are not centered front to back over the tank, this may need fixed if I decide the front of tank is too dark. The rails stop at the crown molding in the garage which would give me a couple of inches.
    Tank Entry , ‎ Random Thoughts
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