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  1. Midnight's 300g Build

    It's been a very long time since I have updated, so this is well over due.

    First things first, due to all of Melev's tank troubles I have had to work with Marineland in resolving some possible issues. As you know I was mimicking Melev's tank design but using my own dimensions. Kevin over at Marineland has been working very hard with me to ensure that all will be ok.

    I did give thoughts about scrapping the whole big tank idea, But things just didn't seem proportional. ...
  2. Midnight's 300g Build

    I was in the new house last night doing some measuring and snapped a few pictures to show you guys where the tank is going.
    The location of the new tank. Sorry for the grainy picture, it was semi dark in there and I didn't turn on flash.

    We don't officially close on the how until Thursday so I can not start demolition until after that.

    What? Demolition you say? Yes in fact, ...