Blog Comments

  1. mayhem_audio's Avatar
    music makes the video lol
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Too funny, had to show my wife ya write up and videos. Very nice job making it! :-)
  3. melev's Avatar
    I love the rocker switch; very War Games of you. So the part with the LEDs that you held is only an indicator of a charge?

    What was the total cost of components? I need one for my Majanos and Aiptasia.
  4. Rydr119's Avatar
    I like it. I need one!
  5. mayhem_audio's Avatar
    no i think some kind of acan or favia lower
    and plue pallys up top
  6. mro2you2's Avatar
    are those blue tubs
  7. marinelife's Avatar
    I like it!
  8. Blown76mav's Avatar
    sweet, now can we shock students with it?
  9. melev's Avatar
    Lots of neat stuff going on in this project. I have a couple of areas of concern:

    1) the rubber boot to the clean out drain trap. Those fitting have a 1/2" socket rather than the kind that have a 1" (to 1.25" socket). There's not a lot of surface to glue your plumbing into. Additionally, the rubber may grow brittle and crack, so do check on it from time to time to make sure it is in good shape.

    2) the calcium reactor is on a shelf above what appears to be electrical components. Reactors can leak from time to time, so I'd recommend you have it in a tray with a bulkhead/drain system to the sump to keep the floor dry and the electrical safe.

    Thanks for sharing your project with us.
  10. mayhem_audio's Avatar
    TOTAL TIME from start to finish 1-2 months i took pauses to build cash back up i let is cycle 6-8 weeks

    the sump valve are so i can upen them and drain the sump from one spot for water changes it will drain about 20-25 gallons out

    the pic i dont worry about cause i'm a bachler now
    Updated 08-13-2010 at 03:46 PM by mayhem_audio
  11. Midnight's Avatar
    With all that nice work I can't believe the picture on the wall is crooked.
  12. cfsindorf's Avatar
    WHat are the valves in the sump baffles for?

  13. michika's Avatar
    Very nice! I like all the photos too. From start to finish, how long did this take?
  14. Hat39406's Avatar
    You did an awesome job, very nice!
  15. mayhem_audio's Avatar
    "HAT" I used a 1/2" drill bit and went throught all the rocks with a acrylic rod, on the horizonal peices i did the same and drilled a horizonal hole into the vertical and were the 2 meet i used putty
    it is a 90 gallon tank but to me it just looks bigger than other 90's i have seen might be the way the rock is... the sump is a 55 gallon tank
  16. Hat39406's Avatar
    I have two questions: How many gallons is the tank? And, did you use two part putty to connect the rocks or what? ;-)
  17. Hat39406's Avatar
    Very nice build! I like how you stacked your rocks. Makes me want to redo my aquascape. ;-)
  18. mayhem_audio's Avatar
    thank you this is my second tank i have been in the hobby since ----january 2010
  19. MarcG's Avatar
    Very impressive!!! I wish I had the knowledge to do all that.... and a house that I own. lol Keep us updated!