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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. Actinic pics

    So I was messing around with the camera while the Actinics were on trying to get a shot of my new browned out coral’s green tips,and also an unknown coral I need an ID on. I customized the white balance on a new white frag disk and I was AMAZED by that I saw! I never thought my camera was capable of this sorta stuff. enjoy

    here is the coral i need an ID of (the orange/green one) i got it ...
  2. red bugs FML

    i was about to frag my blue acro today for a local reefer when i noticed some tissue damage, upon closer inspection i noticed that allot of my acros had the same problem, and that’s when my eye caught a tiny little orange bug, once my eye focused in it was easier to see the others so it turns out i have a bit of an issue

    i have been diping everything i get, but not with interceptor (i dont even know if its available in Canada) anyways i assume it came in in one of my recent frag purchases ...
  3. auto shut off troubles

    one of the new components on my RODI is an auto shut off valve, everything seems to be working, however when the autoshut off turns off, the lowest the preasure will drop on the systeem is 28psi and waste water is still produced, ive tryed waiting up to 20min for it to drop but it doesnt....does anyone have suggestions?
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Plumbing , ‎ Equipment
  4. anyone want to share macros

    As you can see in the picture below the walls on either side of my tank are bare, id really love to get some high res macros to print off and add to a cool frame, one for each side of the tank. so if you'd like to share id appriciate it

  5. its about that time of year...preparing for power outages

    as the weather starts to get colder and the leafs begin to fall im beginning to dread winter, here most of the power lines are underground but we still get our fair share of power outages lasting a couple hours on average, this year I’m considering buying a UPS to protect my investment, im just wondering if anyone uses one? i was looking at TigerDirect and they have tones, at all different ratings and prices...sort of overwhelming
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