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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. metric to standard plumbing

    looking at some octopus skimmers and they say they have metric plumbing what kind of issues will this cause. I dont ever recall seeing any metric pipe or adapters in the states
  2. Looking for skimmer suggestions

    Looking for some input on a new skimmer have a old berlin style from my old set up but its not big enough for this 180. I havent had a reef tank up for awhile or one this size old was a 75gal so not up on all the new products. If some of you are useing any of the newer brands /types id love some suggestions

    Updated 01-31-2011 at 09:20 PM by DJ in WV

    Questions - Need some input
  3. Somebody stop me

    I stoped by a lfs and found these tanks today. I was just wondering if any one has seen these set ups before. I am in the process of making room in the basement for my fish room which has been kind of slow due to me being crippled up from a work injury in 08 so depending some on a bother in law that thinks im nuts. Taking out a 5 ft thick sandstone block and dirt support wall has really sucked, but since im now retired at 36 i need to full some time so i going to get back into it with both feet. ...
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