Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    The cheapest tend to be softies. Leathers, mushrooms, xenia, kenya tree... these all move in the current, grow somewhat quickly and add some color to the tank. However, once you start getting interested in the exotics, you may not want any of these in your tank because they aren't colorful enough or have that pizazz that everyone is talking about.

    Zoanthids are another pretty soft coral. Buying frags from other hobbyists in your area is usually economical. All of these corals are relatively hardy as you learn proper husbandry, and aren't demanding.
  2. chbix's Avatar
    as everyone has said take your time and do research. There are many places that have tons of information. I am beginning my 55g build and dont anticipate it being up and running for close to 6 months!
    utilize people's knowledge, here and on other sites. Ask lots of quiestions
  3. DETANE's Avatar
    My advice is find somebody who owns a maintains a successful 29gl tank, and ask them lot of questions, advice, and tips. Best way to become successful in anything is to follow a plan that already works in a 29gl system.
  4. MarcG's Avatar
    Read read read. Learn all you can, then discuss your plan and we'll help make sure you minimize risks that might affect livestock.
    Like Marc said. His site has an incredible amount of info:
  5. cdmorrison01's Avatar
    All good info. Read, learn and have fun!
  6. NightShade's Avatar
    Umm and don't forget take your time. . . don't expect to have a super tank in 3 weeks. You will probably make mistakes even after a few years, especially if you get excited and rush. I am guilty of this and I am sure some others are as well.
  7. melev's Avatar
    Read read read. Learn all you can, then discuss your plan and we'll help make sure you minimize risks that might affect livestock.
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