Blog Comments

  1. matt_longview's Avatar

    THANKS for the Android App. I'm likely grabbing an Apex Jr, would there be any compatability issues with the new controller or will this app work as is? If it wouldn't work as is, any shot at an update?

    Thanks again.
  2. HeneryH's Avatar
    I hadn't done any development in quite a while and have never done Android development. I spent my younger years coding in C++ and was just getting myself obsoleted when Java was taking off.

    Getting started is quite easy though and there are plenty of sample apps that you can use to get started.

    All of the development tools are free and you can have some pretty cool sample programs running within an hour.

    I started with the Wiktionary sample that had a screen widget displaying the word-of-the-Day. When clicking on the widget, a full screen app opened with the more detailed description of the WOTD.

    Sounds nearly identical to what I wanted huh?
  3. rEd86's Avatar
    Excellent! I have an Android, now all I need is an APEX controller!

    How long have you been doing Andriod development? I am just starting to look into doing some myself since I love my Droid and want to create some apps that I need.

  4. melev's Avatar
    Yes, you can edit it. Go up to the title, move your mouse over it, and click on the little crayon that appears on the right.

    Thanks for posting this, I'm sure others will benefit from your efforts.
  5. HeneryH's Avatar
    Oops, can you edit posts here?

    Forgot an important to-do item:
    * Retrofit recent changes back into the Lite version

    The Lite version can't do any updates to the outlets. I'll get all of the other recent enhancements back to the Lite version today or tomorrow. The full version is at V 1.0. The Lite version is still at beta and is really only missing the graphing and some screen look/feel improvements.