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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. anyone know if there is a 12 step program for tanks?

    o I have the 55gallon freshwater,

    im working on a 55gallon salt water tank now

    I also had a 5g tank that was for a quarantine tank.. but the woman called and said set it up I am bringing something home.... ok


    I cant put them in my 55 g freshwater cause they will terrorize the rest so they go into the 5 gallon for now.

    The woman today finds a 75 gallon used acrylic tank for like $40.... ...

    Updated 10-05-2010 at 01:18 AM by melev

    Questions - Need some input
  2. RO/DI unit question

    So I have to admit I did not buy a RO/DI from Melev, but to my defense I bought mine before I knew he sold them.

    But I have some questions.

    So I am thinking I will put the unit in my garage, and use trash bins or the like for storing the water. One for waste and one for pure.
    Now my thought was to have a float valve control when the ro unit stops producing water so I dont flood the garage. I didnt know at first but most units produce 2-4 times the amount of waste ...

    Updated 10-03-2010 at 11:06 PM by melev

    Questions - Need some input
  3. melevs over flow box question

    This message is directed at melev but if anyone else knows great.

    I am building an over flow box from his design here

    so the siphon hose from the top will go to my maxi jet 900 that will be in the tank, now from my understanding of how it works the maxi jet will pull the air out of the enclosed area to create a siphon and cause the water to flow into and through the over flow box.

    My question is that once the ...

    Updated 09-27-2010 at 04:29 PM by melev

    Questions - Need some input
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