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  1. Detritus eaters?

    I cleaned out the AquaFuge HOB refugium of the detritus that's been accumulating for the past 4 months, and it was much worse than I thought. It was a silt-like layer of grey dirt that lined the bottom of the 'fuge. All that detritus might have been feeding the small patches of cyanobacteria and hair algae in my tank, so hopefully the cleaning will take care of it.

    On one hand, I'm glad that it's been collecting in the 'fuge instead of the main tank, but then again it's a sign that ...
  2. New Corals, New Other Stuff

    I replaced my quarantine bucket with an actual tank to make it easier light and monitor new additions. Photo isn't great since I'm using a 6500K CFL bulb for the quarantine. Most of what you see above I got from my local frag swap a few weeks ago and I'm excited about the duncan coral and montiporas. I'm especially excited about the Diaseris frag I bought from a semi-local reefer (upper right in photo). ...
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