Blog Comments

  1. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Nice! What type of crab is that? He's pretty cool looking.
  2. tindellicate's Avatar
    oh yeah i threw the pics of the mandrin in because I liked em
  3. David W's Avatar
    Ok. Well hope the next one works out for you, it always stinx when you loose something. Looks like liveaquaria has some pretty nice bubble tips and long tentacle anenomes for sale right now. Good luck on the next one.
  4. tindellicate's Avatar
    Right ... for the short term I'm not super worried. I want to wait before putting an other one in till next week
    Updated 11-04-2010 at 08:04 PM by tindellicate
  5. David W's Avatar
    Ummmm you might not want the clown to host the frogspawn. It bothers the frogspawn till it doesn't open up all the way.
  6. tindellicate's Avatar
    Thanks, mle and jessy yeah unfortonately i didnt even get to put my new power head in its going to be here today. on a good note my little clown has taken nicely to the frogspawn as an albeit temporary host. Im still racking my brain to figure out what happend to it , it had moved off its rock and the next thing i know there are peices of him floating every where. But at least the my clown is happy.
  7. Jessy's Avatar
    Sorry to hear that . Yeah you've got to watch your powerheads
  8. mledford's Avatar
    Yeah that sux, I had my Green BT decide one night that it wanted to explore. It decided to climb the wall and get into my power head. I had junk floating around for a couple days... Chopped him up like a blender...

    Sorry to hear that...
  9. tindellicate's Avatar
    Thanks melev love the site .Yeah the algae blenny and the hermits don't seem to like to go after the hair algae.
  10. melev's Avatar
    Welcome to the site. The tank looks like it is off to a good start. I'd recommend adding a clean up crew as soon as you can to keep the algae at bay, and one more powerhead for flow. Maybe a Maxijet 1200 that's been modded for more flow (Sure Flo).