Blog Comments

  1. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Forgot to mention this...

    Your aquascape will never go back together again. If any of your corals are attached to multiple, you will probably break them during the move.

    Good luck and post pics!
  2. sbakke's Avatar
    Thanks! I will definitely try to eliminate the gsp.
  3. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    If at all possible, setup the new system first separately, and let it run for a bit. It won't truly cycle until you get rock/livestock in there. And, it will let you double check for leaks, etc. (I went from a 58 to a 75 this way, they were 2 ft apart, and I added some base rock from the 58 first, along with some Seachem Stability and didn't have any issues.)

    I'd recommend getting rid of any 'newbie friendly but borderline pest corals', eg GSP, during the switch too. If you have to buy some new dead rock first then so be it. I didn't and am regretting it now; gsp/anthelia/xenia are taking over again.