Blog Comments

  1. ghummel's Avatar
    I should clarify my house temp is 67deg except in computer /fishroom witch is 72-73 so its usally cool all year (geo-thermal best money I ever spent!!!!)
  2. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Not sure what kinds of live stock your going to be keep but the 4in less water column will cut down on lighting needs since heat is going to be a issue. I would check about ordering one from a lfs because shipping on glass tank is high. Remember that the new HO LED's make heat to they just put it out in to the room through a heat sink instead of aiming iit in to the tank like a MH. If PC raises temp 5 deg id look into a chiller
  3. ghummel's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by marks69
    i think it's a lizzard tank. that's not thick enough for water.
    Well the guy I got it from had it setup as an aquarium I had to remove a bunch of coralline from the back panel and the overflow. I think it will be turned into a doggie bath tub it will probably turn out great!
  4. DJ in WV's Avatar
    That tank doesnt look like it was make for a aquarium
  5. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Sorry to hear of your troubles.

    +2 to Marc's thoughts.

    Time to get that Starfire tank moving from planning to purchasing! Maybe a size increase is warranted as well!?
  6. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I agree with Mark69, I think what you have is a reptile cage, not an aquarium. I work with acrylic on aircraft windows and such, once a crack like that starts it'll keep going. The only way to stop it is to drill a hole at the end of the crack to distribute the stresses. In a really bad case you can lace it together with stainless safty wire. Obviously those techniques won't work with an aquarium.
  7. melev's Avatar
    Well, the bottom has at least one cross brace, if not two. That makes me feel a little better.

    The stress fractures aren't good, and some are pretty big. I hate to say it, but I don't think that is a trustworthy aquarium. In this hobby, it is all about longevity and stability, but that tank is really a ticking time bomb.
  8. melev's Avatar
    All acrylic tanks should be fully supported with plywood and foam. I've seen a few floaters before, and it is scary. And only a matter of time.
  9. marks69's Avatar
    i think it's a lizzard tank. that's not thick enough for water.
  10. ghummel's Avatar
    I meant to say by having the bottom supported incorrectly
  11. Midnight's Avatar
    Actually Marc a lot of the acrylic stands I looked at for my tank did not support the whole bottom of the tank. Just the edges.
  12. chbix's Avatar
    when i got my use 55 gallon i freaked out with the bowing as well, mine bows approximately 1/4" or so. I let it sit for a few days just to be safe and have had it up as a freshwater with no issues for about 3 months
  13. melev's Avatar
    Are you telling me that you filled up that tank with no support board under it? So the bottom was bowing downward as well??!! That will definitely be part of the deflection you saw.

    Holy crap, you were lucky you didn't blow out that tank with your water test.
  14. ghummel's Avatar
    Well than ... (wipes sweat from brow) If I'm good to go tank moves forward but i don't like it so a starphire front pane tank is in the planning stages.
  15. melev's Avatar
    3/8" deflection is normal, and I've seen worse. I say worse because it would bug the crap out of me, visually speaking. This is yet another reason why I don't have an acrylic display tank, something people ask me often.
  16. ghummel's Avatar
    I need to put 1/2-3/4 ply as well thanks for the link!
  17. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Glad Marc chimed in too! I'd like to know if that is a normal amount or not as well.
  18. ghummel's Avatar
    Hi Melev I was really hopeing you would chime in!! It was drained because it started out as a test to see for leaks in tank and overflow and it passed. I was concerned about the amount of bulge (this is my first acrylic tank) It was filled with just water no salt and I'm a bit from getting my cycle going. In your opinion is this a normal amount of bowing or should I look for a new tank? It is a used tank I have no idea how long it was used tho.
    Updated 01-11-2011 at 09:02 PM by ghummel (opps)
  19. melev's Avatar
    I don't see room for a drawer over the sump, but perhaps a tiny one on the left might fit.

    You need a sheet of foam on top of the stand for the tank to sit on. Link:
  20. marks69's Avatar
    eurobracing? usually for acrylic tanks, glass is a little different
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