Blog Comments

  1. agsansoo's Avatar
    Tank setup looks great. Where are your sps colonies ? Can you talk a little about why large sps's colonies don't like being moved or transfered ?

    Has your lighting changed ? New bulbs ? Are you going to try LED's anytime soon ?
  2. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Looks like you need more rock. Spock looks happy. Cant wait to see it back to it's former glory.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    Beautiful pics Marc!! Your tank really looks awesome too!
  4. melev's Avatar
    Pictures posted above. Sorry for the delay, but after being up until 5am working on the lighting, I got 4 hours sleep and then had to deal with our Keys Critters Group Buy all day long.
  5. gr8t1dini's Avatar
    Where are the pics?
  6. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    Ahh.. you got the MP60's up and running? sweet!!! you make it sound like 12 hour marathons lasting through the next day are something new for you. I'm trying to be patient and waiting for pics...... But it's very hard to do.....
  7. jwheeler's Avatar
    Congrats Marc. Finally got caught up with reading thru this whole blog. Now I'm up to date
  8. reefocd's Avatar
    Obiwan teach grasshopper many things ... ___ says a thousand words.... ____ in a bottle .... can't wait for more cool pics ... Congrats!
  9. dread240's Avatar
    pretty sure agansoo won the wise crack award on this one, that's for sure.

    Can't wait to see the pics though.
  10. Jaxom's Avatar

    Congrats Marc, I'm sure Spock is releived to finally be back home.

    On a lighter note I didn't see this LOL agsansoo you are brilliant,

    "I'll be sharing more images later, including what Wes and I did for 12 hours on Saturday night / Sunday early morning."

    Who's Wes ? Not sure I want to see these photos.
  11. melev's Avatar
    I'm taking a bunch, and still working on the tank's lighting and new Vortechs.
  12. Sam11909's Avatar
    ^ Congrats on the livestock transfer Marc! Can't wait to see pics!
  13. agsansoo's Avatar

    "I'll be sharing more images later, including what Wes and I did for 12 hours on Saturday night / Sunday early morning."

    Who's Wes ? Not sure I want to see these photos.
  14. Hat39406's Avatar
    Can't wait to see picture!!!
  15. Midnight's Avatar
    This blog is Useless without pics
  16. Blown76mav's Avatar
    CONGRATS now lets see some pics....
  17. 1AaronTravels's Avatar
    Whoo Hoo!!! Cant Wait to see.
  18. gr8t1dini's Avatar
    Where are the pics now?
  19. diablo30xp's Avatar
  20. melev's Avatar
    Yes, if the return pump has the strength to push the water. I'd imagine a pressure rated pump would be best with these, but my Dart seems to do well.

    2.5" under the surface.