Blog Comments

  1. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Now that's a detritus trap!
  2. Jnarowe's Avatar
    That's brilliant. COntrol the flow, rather than hold. And your fish won't be able to slide under the stand. You'll know right where they are!
  3. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Very nice, but I am worried about the affect ambient light will have on your purified water. And even in an opaque cotainer, it is still very unstable. Here's an interesting test: Take drink from a glass of RO/DI water, and leave the rest to sit for a week. Then take another drink. TBH, I have never done a chemical test on the week-old water, but there definitely is a taste change. Good advice about using a reservoir. So often we here of melt-downs caused by fresh water over-doses. In my system, I started with float valves and moved to solenoids controlled by a tank computer. But I still planned as you, with a maximum flood amount that wouldn't adversely effect the system should there be an "incident".
  4. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Nice work Marc.
  5. dahenley's Avatar
    Happy B-Day Mr. President!!
    its nice to see some decorating going on behind the scenes.

    also, do you plan on replacing that matrix or are you going to leave it in there? im sure that over time it will need replacing. also, isnt matrix able to be baked and "recharged?"
  6. dahenley's Avatar
    on mine, i just reach my hand in the sump, and i have slip bulkheads, and just pop a plug in it. (he will have to remove the strainers but its that easy. then you just have the water thats in the pump itself and thats all. if you have a threaded bulkhead, then keep a threaded plug with teflon ready. (i keep a plug of every fitting in my stand, that way i have threaded and smooth plugs ready for any incident. it prevents having to run to your homecenter at weird times in your PJ's........)
  7. Reefkpr's Avatar
    Nice work!
    Q: I don't see a gate valve between the sump and pump inlet... How are you going to keep water in the sump should you need replace your return pump?


  8. byrdman's Avatar
    Well thought out and executed. Can't wait to see it up and running.
  9. Mustang's Avatar
    WOOO HOO this weekend grats Marc can't wait to see it. Oh and great job so far it all looks clean and organized.
  10. Servo's Avatar
    Marc, I'm super impressed!!! THis is awesome! If I build another set up, I'm hiring you! BTW; Michika thinks your EzTube is sexy! :P
  11. melev's Avatar
    It can last years.
  12. gr8t1dini's Avatar
    You are so lucky! there is no way that I could take over my living room like that with my fish stuff. I missed the tank install. Where is the pics for that? how is the sump coming along?
  13. gr8t1dini's Avatar
    I have a Dart online and a spare just incase. How long should the seal last anyhow?
  14. Wes's Avatar
    yea marc, hows that going?!
  15. dahenley's Avatar
    Hows the sump build going? any updates or new pictures?
  16. melev's Avatar
    I made the actual rack from from EzTube in one evening. A few hours, since I was paying close attention to detail. The suspension kit was installed the next day, and that took maybe 30 minutes. The paint was drying on the roller assemblies while we did that, then it was hung up.
  17. michika's Avatar
    oh so sexy! I like it, it came out really well.

    How long did it take to build?
  18. Wes's Avatar
    now lets see it plumbed! been hearing about this famed new sump forever, good to see it coming together!
  19. mayhem_audio's Avatar
    real question here. i tried to look up and the web site is no more I wanted to contact them direct or research the product more thanks in advance
  20. NEReef's Avatar
    Sump looks awesome! Im sad I wont be able to be at the boston reefers mtg today to meet you but im working. The worst part is I work just across town from where the mtg is being held! Maybe I will sneak over during my lunch. Lol. I also heard there is gunna be an acrylic demo that I really wanted to see since I have a full sheet of 1/4" acrylite cut to size in my basement waiting for me to glue for a new sump. Wicked bummer.