Blog Comments

  1. TBDuval's Avatar
    I agree but Marc you have a new toy......YOUR TANK!!!!!! Where's the update at? I am addict and you are not supplying me my drug!!!!!!!
  2. teesquare's Avatar
    Looking forward to see the tank up and running Marc ! Hope I did not tease you too much about the design work <G>!!! The guys a Perfecto have built a few tanks like this since my original drawing - seems to be catching on.
    So - you will be using the MP-60's in lieu of closed loop?
  3. mr. fix it's Avatar
    it was the great greek philosopher plato that said a man can never have enough toys !!!!!!!!!!!! what else have you been doing with the new tank, and fish room marc.
  4. melev's Avatar
    I'm tempted to stick it over my LR vat for now. I'll definitely bring it to our club's Frag Swap this weekend to put over the frag tank that showcases the raffle prizes (corals).
  5. baker.shawn's Avatar
    i cant wait to see how this beauty preforms!
  6. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Alright Marc. Glad to hear PaulB is still around and kicking. I'll have to drop by that other site and say hi to him again. Unless we can convince him to drop by here sometime.
  7. johnbanks's Avatar
    looks interesting, but you know some cheapskate will try dropping a toaster in their bath...
  8. drimo's Avatar
    Pretty sweet! I wound up getting a Klein's Butterflyfish and he has devoured all of my majano. I'm sure there are some left somewhere, but I can't find any and I had a massive infestation!
  9. Brad Syphus's Avatar
    Hook me up Marc. I need one bad.
    When or if you here from Paul. Put me on the list please.
  10. melev's Avatar
    More to come for sure. Yesterday, I wrangled Bobby over here once more to get more electrical done. This is a complicated project because I want to place things in certain spots but not have them in the way. With the tank in place, it is a little easier now, but at the same time it is now in the way.

    Last night, the 265g upright container was brought in the room so the other wall could be framed. Sheetrocking around that vessel will be annoying, but... There are now 6 circuit breakers running to various points in the fishroom, but I've not tried to determine where they all go. For now, this is what I know:

    1) GFCI breaker to the holding tanks
    2) regular breaker to the holding tanks
    3) regular breaker to the window a/c unit / heaters
    4) regular breaker with GFCI outlet leading over to the holding vat & future sink area.
    5) unknown / to be determined
    6) GFCI breaker leading to the new sump area

    With the new wiring, I was able to extricate the aquarium from the livingroom circuit as well as one kitchen circuit. The alarm stuff as well as the irrigation system is no longer in the fishroom.
  11. trplxj's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mledford
    Anywhere south of 70 is cold in Texas brother.
    It always makes me laugh when I hear someone say that it's cold at 50*. I live in a area that can go from 105* in July to -30* in January. Now that's a temp swing.

    Awesome tank Marc, can't wait to see the progress pics. Reading your blog makes me want to convert my freshwater 500 into salt. Maybe someday.
  12. melev's Avatar
    I had to go out of town the very next morning. Here I thought y'all would be happy with the podcast, this blog and the two videos. Turns out I was totally wrong based on your comments. Hehe. More work this week to move things along.
    Updated 11-07-2010 at 03:21 PM by melev
  13. OneReef's Avatar
    C'mon Marc...... That tank should be fulll of fish and coral by now with lots o' pics taken!
  14. bryman's Avatar
    Sweet tank, thanks for documenting for us. Can't wait to see the build and how it turns out!
  15. eel-byte's Avatar
    Nice Mark. Looking forward to more progress reports.
  16. NightShade's Avatar
    lol, is it done yet!!!! wishful thinking

    Oh and by the way congrats on getting it in, I am sure that it's hard to sleep with it sitting there just waiting to be worked on. . . begging to have water. . . longing for plumbing. . .going nuts for lights.
  17. Blown76mav's Avatar
    is it done yet?

    Congrats on getting the tank in its new hone, now the real fun begins. I'll continue to send my moral support for free, for a limited time. After that its gonna cost ya.
  18. Pufferpunk's Avatar
    That guy got exactly what he deserved--idiot!
  19. evoracer's Avatar
    Wow. Very nice. Love the dimensions and false wall overflow.
  20. Robb in Austin's Avatar!