Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    That's what I like to hear!
  2. dpmamay's Avatar
    Yes I have a whole box of them. Gotta have backups!
  3. melev's Avatar
    Yes, you do. The sediment filter did its job, and nothing under 5microns got past it. It will clog up and less water will pass through it, which pushes less pressure across the membrane making it less efficient. You may see more waste water as a result, so change out that first filter. Fortunately, it is the cheapest one.
  4. dpmamay's Avatar
    I just changed my pre-filters two weeks ago. I was making water today and they are doing construction out on the main street and our water turned brown. My first 5 micron filter is now completely dark brown and I need to change it again!
  5. melev's Avatar
    That's what I thought, looking at the youtube username.
  6. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    That was actually made by Richard Ross.
  7. seapug's Avatar
    "I miss my old nano."
    tooooo damn funny.
  8. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    ksc, I think it depends on what you want. The LumenMax Elite shows a wide even pattern, as I would expect from the hammer finish reflector. This is the same type used on flood lights to flood a large area with even light. So it would be good for a shallow tank, or where you had to mount the light close to the surface. The Lumenbrights are clearly producing a very narrow focus spot type light and will work much better for a deep tank or where you want to mount them high above the water. For myself, I'll stick with T5HO's unless I set up a deep tank (30" +), so the Lumenbrights would be my first choice.
  9. ksc's Avatar
    I'd have to disagree with this comment, "The LumenMax Elite was the weakest performer of the four reflectors". If you add up all the par values in the grid the Lumenmax Elite "wins" by about 3%. I tested the new 250/400 Lumatek and 250/400 Galaxy ballasts in my Elites and found the "hqi" setting on the 250 mode had no affect on par(250 radium). On the 400 setting with a 400 radium,it gained about 5% on the "superlumen" setting. I haven't tested the Lumenmax 2 yet because it's in my canopy, but I have a hunch that it will have better numbers than all 4 of these reflectors.....
  10. scottd34's Avatar
    haha awesome! Ive seen this video with different subtitles quite a few times for eve online topics, but it really never gets old..
  11. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    Great info. Thanks Marc. As always another great write up.
  12. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    That is great.
  13. melev's Avatar
    I love fires. If only I had a fireplace here, I'd have it going all winter. I'm seriously thinking about installing a pot belly stove in my living room to give my pyro-side an outlet. It would be useful, it might be a talking point to others, and it would let me enjoy watching the flames.
  14. Trido's Avatar
    You and your fires........
  15. Trido's Avatar
    Very nice write up. AFAIAC, its one more piece of evidence to prove, you get what you pay for. In this case lumenbright's.
  16. Trido's Avatar
    Absolutely hillarious! Its the best movie Ive seen in quite a while.
  17. VitalApparatuz's Avatar
  18. evoracer's Avatar
    I was considering a LM Elite, but your review may change my mind to a Lumenbright mini wide.
  19. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I've been very impressed with these ever since you first posted your review on the other site. I'd always planned to use a high end area or high bay industrial light if I ever used Metal halide because the optics were so much better than anything I'd seen in the hobby. Here's a brocure for a high end area light scroll down and look at the reflectors, very similar to the Lumenbrights. And they're salt spray corrosion tested too. I'm glad to see we're finally getting this level of lighting quality in the hobby.
  20. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    Look good Marc thanks for the info. Now if you could get your hands on some Lumenarcs to compair to the lumenbrights that would be interesting to see the difference.