Blog Comments

  1. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    Marc what is your method for removing aptasia and Majanos? I have been using kalkwaser powder mixed with some water and injecting them into the mouths.
  2. MarkSativa's Avatar
    Today being Saturday means only one thing for me... Clean up day!
  3. kmjoen230's Avatar
    what a riot!
  4. kmjoen230's Avatar
    Absolutely Amazing!
  5. melev's Avatar
    I tested the PO4 level today, and it was between 0 and .03ppm. Phosphate Control is an awesome product.
  6. melev's Avatar
    In a way, that's a little frightening too, right? It's best to open a new kit and compare it to the old one to see if the readings are close before officially making the switch. Any test kit you purchase should have the purchase date written on it. Then the day I open the kit to use it, I write that date down. A kit is usually good 12 months from the date it is opened for the first time.
  7. VitalApparatuz's Avatar
    Im slowly converting all my cheap test kits I bought to cycle with over to Salifert.
    Its amazing how different the results are between the two.
  8. Paulo's Avatar
    Congrats finding that. I had the same thing coming home from St Louis to Detroit. This was soon after 911 and almost did not get on plane. I used my Pharmacist liceince and a few others forms. No photo ID lol. Got home and a few days later it came in the mail. Apparently I dropped it in outback when I was there lol.
  9. Davo's Avatar
    I don't know Marc, those scans sound painful...oh wait...RETINAL scan, pheeww, I need to read slower!
    I remember my 5th grade teacher telling us one day we would have a chip inserted that contained both credit dard, and ID, who knows?
    As for the airport thing, I think that South Park episode pretty much hit the mark!LOL
  10. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    That sucks Marc. A similiar thing happend to a friend of mine but he was able to board the plane with his Costco card.
  11. Michelle Lemech's Avatar
    So glad you got your licence back! I lost mine and it was sent back to me in the mail, thank you Continental!
  12. washingtond's Avatar
    As a person who travels all the time I would say that you were lucky to get your DL back. I must admit this was a funny story and you did a great job of laying it all out for us to enjoy.
  13. melev's Avatar
    These were all taken through the front panel.
  14. melev's Avatar
    Probably specimen cups for medical use.
  15. melev's Avatar
    That's huge. I'd think a smaller drive would back up the more essential stuff.
  16. dlandino's Avatar
    very nice! Are you shooting top down through an acrylic box or do you have an underwater camera? Thanks for sharing!
  17. VitalApparatuz's Avatar
    Gorgeous. My camera does so crappy in actinic!!
  18. Snakebyt's Avatar
    i need to do a backup, i keep meaning to get another terabyte drive for backups, but i never do. All extra money either goes into the tank or my motorcycle
  19. Snakebyt's Avatar
    very nice stuff you got there, what kind of containers are those?
  20. duster's Avatar
    Ive always liked the gray and red Acan variation.