Blog Comments

  1. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Now that you have pinstriping on your tank, what's next? Flames?
  2. melev's Avatar
    If I were to raise the water level higher, the Eurobracing would pretty much be submerged in water. Over time it would get dirty with algae, water spots and calcification. I don't mind the small gap between the eurobracing and the surface of the water. In the last 400g, I had a small strip of acrylic in the external overflow to raise the water up just enough to hide the light leak, but this was a rather larger area to fill.

    The tank is 84" x 36" x 30" using 3/4" glass on all four sides. With external measurements, that adds up to 392g. The external overflow box is 36" x 6" x 8" and adds up to 7.5g Using internal measurements, it's more like 332g of water. Once you displace some of that with sand and rock, it's more like 300g of real water. This sounds about right, considering how that's about how much I added to the tank during setup.

    The sump is 58" x 31.5" x 17" and that measures out to 135g filled to the top. I run it at about 80g, with plenty of empty space.
  3. jlemoine2's Avatar
    Nicely executed, Marc. I was skeptical of how it would look when I first started reading your post, but the final pics show the project turned out great.

    From your last pic, it appears your overflow teeth are quite long. Did you consider using a strip of acrylic to block a portion of the teeth in order to raise the water level? Perhaps there is less room on the teeth then would appear in the pic?
  4. UkSweeney's Avatar
    So if your adding water that's not in the main tank, but attached to it. What is the total for the system? Incl sump and I bet theirs a gallon in all your pipes.
  5. melev's Avatar
    Based on the depth of the teeth, the water line is lower than the plastic trim. Most tanks don't have a 1" thick eurobracing. Don't forget the water sitting in the external overflow - that gets the tank to 400g.
  6. UkSweeney's Avatar
    Why is the water line lower? And with it lower does this mean the tank is a 399 gallon tank?
  7. melev's Avatar
    I did shoot in RAW and it still didn't come out as nicely as I'd hoped. I talked to Jessy about it and she told me that I'd have to set the white balance first to get a better result. I can't seem to get the camera to accept the WB color I'm shooting. It always says "No gd" (no good), and I tried at least 100 times.
  8. Midnight's Avatar
    Marc, I am assuming that is the 60g that is under LED. Shoot those pictures in raw and then you can change white balance in photoshop.
  9. melev's Avatar
    Thanks guys. It would be hard for me to imagine not having a reef tank in my home, as it continues to be source of learning and discovery. Take that double spawning event less than two weeks ago - I hadn't seen that in years. I was so excited that night, running around shooting pictures and video to share.

    The infrastructure of the system is rock solid, so now it just has to settle in and start growing. This maybe the hardest part, especially when I stumble upon older pictures of my previous reef. That was a stunner, and frankly I'm amazed at what I accomplished a few years ago. I hope this one will look equally nice.
  10. BulkHead's Avatar
    Marc, when my house flooded in 08, walk away is exactly what I did. Fire sale on all the live critters and eventually everything else. I was fine with it as I spent the next couple of years repairing and remodeling my house. Once we were finished I was left with this large blank area that no piece of furniture seemed to fit. Finally I decided to setup a small tank in my office thinking that would satisfy my taste for salt. Next thing I know I'm back to drooling over your beautiful pictures, scouring the internet for answers to whatever question I had and finally ended up ordering a new 200g tank. Unfortunately it's still waiting for water, but it will happen in due time.

    I'm thankful for people such as yourself who are passionate about the hobby and willing to share their good, bad and ugly experiences. It is motivating to see you get back on that horse when no one would blame you for throwing in the towel. Thanks for everything you do to help others and advance the hobby.
  11. dahenley's Avatar
    I know it has been an extremely hard up hill battle.
    Not only for the continuous upsets but also all of us constantly emailing and asking for updates and questions and bringing up the bad memories. (also, having no control because your waiting on all the other people and shipping and what not.)

    I am glad to see the pictures and amazing updates.
    i commend you for being so strong. (when my 240 crashed and i lost 100% of all corals that i had been growing for 4 years….. My fish looking at me kept the water clean and things going. I couldn't just quit and give up on them)
  12. melev's Avatar
    I hope it brings you years of happiness.
  13. Salt Life's Avatar
    I want to thank Marc along with everyone that help me load the 215 as well as Frank's Tanks for use of the suction cups. I couldn't have done it without all the muscle. 1100 mile round trip and its on my front porch full of water, vinegar, a Mag 18 and a heater. I will let it soak overnight, clean & pump it out tomorrow and move it inside.
    Updated 11-24-2013 at 07:13 PM by Salt Life
  14. melev's Avatar
    That is supposed to happen very soon. Maybe before the end of the year.
  15. OneReef's Avatar
    The unit doesn't currently work with Vortechs you say? When do they expect this function to come online?
  16. Trido's Avatar
    That's a lot of work in one day.
  17. Midnight's Avatar
    I am thinking you should check your mail Marc? That space does look better empty.
  18. melev's Avatar
    Not much. You see the new plumbing but the gear is pretty much identical.
  19. gr8t1dini's Avatar
    Melev, Have you made any changes to any equipment since getting your 400g tank up and running?
  20. gr8t1dini's Avatar
    Can't wait for it to make it to production.