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  1. The weather broke for a day, and I seized the moment to paint

    I've been wanting to paint the fishroom floor for over two months, but never had the right conditions. Yesterday, the weather was 64F for the high compared to the day before when it was 85F. I pulled out everything scattered around the fishroom floor, grabbed the air hose from my compressor and blasted dust everywhere, swept up the mess and damp mopped the concrete to get rid of any other dust.

    Btw, that cloud was ominous and a lot of it settled on the surface of the reef. Not exactly ...
  2. Water testing day

    Today was catch up on everything that needed doing. Had to get a sump built, fix my darn sprinklers, get a frag into an Interceptor bath, clean the skimmer and do all my water tests. The tank is doing very well, numbers-wise:

    I tested Magnesium with my Salifert kit, but also did a test with a borrowed Red Sea Reef Foundation kit that Wes lent me. It still reads way too high (1600ppm), even with his kit. I'm going ...
    Water Chemistry
  3. Time to change your RO/DI filters?

    Is it time to change your RO/DI filters? I date my system each time they are changed out, to help me keep track. They should be changed every six months, so I'm actually a month late in doing so. Whoops. However, the TDS reads zero, so there's no reason to worry, right?


    After turning off the water source and opening the valve after the system to bleed off the pressure within, I removed ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ Plumbing
  4. Frags from Florida

    Over the weekend, I had a quick trip to Fort Myers Florida to speak to the SWFMAS club. They coupled the talks with a big frag swap, and I got a little crazy. I came home with two types of Macro Algae, about a dozen SPS, a dozen ricordias, and a giant Gorgonian. Here are all the pictures.

    They were put in quarantine for about 20 hours, then dipped in ReVive for 10 minutes prior to being added to my reef last night.


    Updated 04-18-2011 at 02:52 PM by melev

    New Additions
  5. Tearing out the old ceiling today

    After yesterday's discussion, I decided to get that ceiling pulled out quickly before it warmed up outside. Wearing a facemask, I climbed up into the attic and played joust with a whisk broom vs the fluffy stuff. It grudgingly abated somewhat, but not all of course. Here's where we left off yesterday...

    My son joined me in the actual teardown of the two layers of sheetrock, exposing the joists and raining down ...
    Tags: sheetrock
    DIY projects
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