Blog Comments

  1. matt_longview's Avatar
    Looks great. Appears to be a next reef skimmer, correct?

    You should put together a DIY sump kit with a sock holder, ATO switch holder and probe holders. As many people who DIY their own sump baffles I bet they would love to have some hang on/magnetic accessories to purchase from you. They're always so clean. My buddy just snagged a sump used that you built 5 years ago and it still looks amazing! :-)
  2. melev's Avatar
    Yes, there will be drinking at MACNA. It's part of my annual ritual. Let's do that!
  3. yankieman's Avatar
    I am using the deluxe kit by Aquahub and I love it ,, its very simple to hook up and much cheaper then any of the other products out there,, so I hope you have good luck including it in your sump designs ,,,looking forward to MACNA!!!!!! hope you might have time to have a beer and chat there,,,,
  4. melev's Avatar
    No , he brought it along to see how it would fit in the sump.
  5. gerbilbox's Avatar
    That's an interesting solution to have your reef/fish and your mantis shrimp too.
  6. canyousee's Avatar
    You build some sweet sumps... Did you throw in the protean skimmer to?
  7. Blake's Avatar
    I wish I could get a sohal tang from them! but I hear that they get too aggressive
  8. FiremanReese's Avatar
    I don't think that's right, but! it does have to meet their packing guidelines for shipping before they cover damage.
    They broke a $3200 hamradio for me , had to send pics , show rating of box and how it was packed , it met their recomendations and they paid for the radio , took a couple of months though .
  9. Reefski's Avatar
    i recently found that UPS insurance you buy covers loss but not damage. they told me they need to pack it if they are going to insure it for damage.
  10. melev's Avatar
    Thanks. I've been shipping them like this for about three years or more. Usually the long side gets a horizontal beam full length, but this sump was basically a cube. So it was centered as pictured. I've not had a cracked / damaged sump in a very long time, but I insure every one of them regardless. Too much time and effort to risk it not being covered.
  11. agsansoo's Avatar
    Great looking sump !

    I think I would protect the corners of the packing box more. This seems to be where most shipping damage occurs. Our company uses those inflatable packing foam bags (Home Depot). When we ship products to a trade show.
  12. melev's Avatar
    One was dead in the QT today. I'm not surprised. The other two are active and eating.
  13. melev's Avatar
    Change the water weekly now, or start running carbon like you mentioned.
  14. aqua-nut's Avatar
    Oh drats. You are right. I see a Acro 'for' 2802. That would be a VERY odd price. Time to clean my glasses. And cancel my move to Atlanta.
  15. melev's Avatar
    Here are three pictures from last month. The first image is the display module. It has buttons on the front to switch to one of four different displays, but I never use them.

    This is the actual controller, or brain. I have it on the power station under the Vortech drivers, and beneath it is the pH controller for my calcium reactor.

    Under the dual bank of switches, I have an EB4 and an EB8 secured in place. There is one more EB8 up on the light rack for all the ballasts up there.

  16. twomonsters's Avatar
    Oh ya, this Marco rock will eventually make its way to my DT sump, but I am curing it a really long time. Its been in the tote for 4 months now. I was just commenting on the water color compared to my DT system. The Marco Rock water is really yellow, almost identical to the shipping water that you had.
  17. melev's Avatar
    Hmm. I think I did in a different blog. Let me do a search.
  18. melev's Avatar
    My Quarantine tank is simple. It holds a heater, thermometer, a powerhead or airstone, and some live rock that is dedicated to QT forever. I don't move rock back and forth between systems. I'd prefer to add a small controller to control heater, lights, a cooling fan and a top off, but haven't gotten that fancy yet. A skimmer would be another great addition, but a HOB filter would be a practical alternative.

    I rely on water changes, taking water out of my reef and replacing what's in the QT as needed. I've changed water daily or every other day with fish, but with corals I don't change it much at all. Whatever reef water is used, this is replaced with aged saltwater providing a tiny water change to the 400g.

    I don't know that using Marco Rock would be of any value in a QT, at least not for the first few months. It needs to load up with bacteria and life. Now if you had some established Marco Rock in your reef you wanted to put in your QT from now on, that could work.

    I keep my QT running almost all the time. I leave a cover on it when not in use so it doesn't have evaporation issues.
  19. melev's Avatar
    I think those are item numbers, actually.
  20. aqua-nut's Avatar
    Not to be too forward or pushy for a new guy, but,...
    You promised us pics of the setup. Have I missed them?