Blog Comments

  1. partman1969's Avatar
    This is like porno for the reef addict !! I'd be in this shop so often, the owner would probably consider me a nuisance.
  2. chuck's Avatar
    what an incredible LFS nothing like that here
  3. yankieman's Avatar
    That LFS is just plain awesome , great pics Marc I see why you want to hang out there.
  4. cyano's Avatar
    All the Rose BTA's i saw look so full of color and healthy, I can barely find a colored one here, let alone healthy as well
  5. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Great looking store. Wow!
  6. agsansoo's Avatar
    Ali's store is my favorite LFS ! He always the best corals and livestock. I just wished I lived closer.
  7. kitch40's Avatar
    Awesome fotos Marc, I wish we had seen that store while we were down there...
  8. cyano's Avatar
    I remember reading about the unusual skimmate from the drywall, no matter what you do we all will be waiting with our eyes and ears wide open
  9. melev's Avatar
    The 280g was in-wall. This one would look built-in. I do have a little tape & bedding to complete, texture and paint... but there are more areas I want to modify in the room. The dust that creates won't be good for the tank, so I'll have to hang drop cloths everywhere to contain it.
  10. cyano's Avatar
    very nice, I only asked because I remember the old tank room build thread and was hoping for another to look forward to
  11. melev's Avatar
    Chuck - yes, I'll post up a new picture of the frag tank.

    Cyano - I'll end up putting up some cherry wood at some point, but the open feel and industrial look is what I like about it.
  12. melev's Avatar
    No, I don't know more. I've been past the house a few times but no-one was around.
  13. cyano's Avatar
    stunning tank as always, might I ask Marc do you have any plans to replace that wall again or are you planning to leave it open? just been wanting to ask about that for a while and keep forgetting
  14. ghurlag's Avatar
    Marc, any word on the pets yet, or if the interior of the house was indeed spared?
  15. chuck's Avatar
    Marc can I talk you into posting a current FTS of your frag tank?
  16. chuck's Avatar
    Everyone has such cool stuff to look at. It amazes me every time I see pictures that get posted on here! I never realized that corals and such actually ate food like a fish, etc. I assumed they were like plants that absorbed their nutrients.

  17. melev's Avatar
    The sun corals are in my frag tank where I can feed them daily. They get a mixture of mysis shrimp, cyclop-eeze and Rod's food.
  18. chuck's Avatar
    looks like the FD did a good job of knocking the fire down quick and saving the rest of the home
  19. SaltCritters's Avatar
    Looking good! What do you feed your Sun corals? And how do you feed them without the fish taking it?
  20. Heathd's Avatar
    Man that sucks. Even if a flame never touches other parts of the house, its gonna have smoke damage and smell like bar-b-q until it gets replaced.
    Updated 11-06-2011 at 08:48 PM by Heathd