Blog Comments

  1. yankieman's Avatar
    beautiful tank
  2. trplxj's Avatar
    WOW that tank looks amazing.
  3. agsansoo's Avatar
    Wow. Very nice ! Did you get any details of his setup ? Lighting, flow, skimmer ?
  4. baker.shawn's Avatar
    nuf said
    did you ask if he needed help fraging anything
  5. agsansoo's Avatar
    Great looking Onyx clown's !
    I wish I could buy Interceptor over-the-counter.
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    Nice buys Marc. Your tank really looks amazing!!
  7. baker.shawn's Avatar
    seeing your posts with all your new stuff makes me think i really need to start attending such events...but i still would not be able to bring livestock across the boarder

    those clowns are pretty awesome but i like the acans more they are going to look mighty small in that big tank, lets hope they grow quick
  8. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by steve8855
    wow 30 chomis they must look soo kool schooling
    They shoal beautifully. It added a huge new dimension to how the reef looks and I'm really glad Wes didn't buy them.
  9. steve8855's Avatar
    wow 30 chomis they must look soo kool schooling
  10. dahenley's Avatar
    also, just an in-site. when i get calcium reactor media, its always wet. (moist)
    so im sure all media has phosphates. (most media is smooth (the large kind) and its not rough like real corals. so i would think they give a quick soak in acid to eat the outside layer off and then they soak the media a little to clean and neutralize any excess acid...

    you could always do it like frag plugs and crush your corals and put in a bag and place in your toilet tank. it will flush the media every time you flush! (if you did this ever so often, you would have some good media for the next re-fill!)
  11. melev's Avatar
    Maroun - people complain about the taste of DI water, which is ion-free. We seem to like our ions. Some RO systems come with a "taste" filter to add flavor back into the pure water. That filter is actually carbon, usually GAC. DI water won't hurt you.

    Sister - quit zooming in on my pictures.
  12. melev's Avatar
    For the sake of testing, I can do that. Maybe after RAP next weekend. I have a container of ARM ready to go with for now, and will get that installed tonight.
  13. melev's Avatar
    I have another 5 day trip coming up in a few days, and keeping this many fish in a small QT unattended that long will assured kill some or most. For their best survival, I opted to add them to my tank directly. Hopefully I won't come to regret that choice.
  14. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    No, I was happy for him. He was going to buy a new system that week, but winning it was even better for him. If a person doesn't own one and wins it, that's always what I'm hoping will happen.
    It was because of the sentamental value you had for your own system, it's been with you through the good times and bad, I can tell in the picture you hated to let it go... see how you're white knuckling the box?
  15. maroun.c's Avatar
    Thanks for the info Marc.
    I've seen a few bottled wate have a TDs of 30-40 and some have it around 100. Talked to the RO company here and they explained it saying that people complain of the water taste when TDS is below 40-60 so they mostly sell RO water at around 100 for drinking purposes. Wasnt clear to me if drinking water at 10-20 was OK as I know for sure that drinking RODI water is not recommended.
  16. dahenley's Avatar
    Could you tell if it were the dead polyps and skin that created the phosphates?
    you should rinse the corals, and try 1 more time. (you might break the corals up before rinsing. )

    if they test bad again, then you may not want to use them. (depending on the person)
    (another thing would be to use a little acid to eat the outisde layer of skeleton off (which would hold the phosphates) and then rinse throughout and it would be ready.
    you have a lot of media right there... but i also understand that media isnt super expensive and might not be worth it to some people to chance it)
  17. jlemoine2's Avatar
    Sounds like a busy weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing pics of your new acquisitions. Why are the fish going directly into the display, have they already been quarantined?
  18. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by DJ in WV
    When did they change these Marc
    It has been gradual but I'd say over the past couple of months it's morphed to what you see now.
  19. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sisterlimonpot

    Is that a forced smile of you holding the box up with the winner, and I swear when I zoom in there is a tear in your eye.
    No, I was happy for him. He was going to buy a new system that week, but winning it was even better for him. If a person doesn't own one and wins it, that's always what I'm hoping will happen.
  20. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by maroun.c
    How much do you estimate the weight of the unit without any filters or media in?
    Also any idea how much TDS range is the acceptable or recommended range for drinking water?
    and last question is about operating pressure any recommendation on what pressure range to allow to go into your RO unit?
    I don't know what the weight is off hand, but I can find out.

    Tap water is drinkable, and RO water is a cleaner version of tap water. Out of the faucet it is around 172 here, so drinking 10 TDS isn't bad at all. The lower the TDS, the less tasty it tends to be. Have you ever measured the TDS of some bottled drinking water? Test it out. I've seen it measure between 14 and 20 with a couple of brands.

    The PSI the membrane needs at the minimum is 40. 60-80 is better. 100 is the max, and 110 is too much. The important point that I need to state clearly is that you should run the booster pump prior to the membrane, not prior to the entire unit. Over-pressured acrylic housings can shatter, so don't risk that.