Blog Comments

  1. Wes's Avatar
  2. melev's Avatar
    I have no idea. I drink Crown Royal.
  3. DJ in WV's Avatar
    one more important thing whats cost of a jager bomb in dfw have to plan for spending cash
  4. melev's Avatar
    The full conference price is currently $85 per person. This includes all three days, the reception-not-to-be-missed and the gala banquet. All the vendors, all the speakers, and tons of fun in a tidy price.
  5. DJ in WV's Avatar
    whats the cost per people for the event
  6. rarelyseriousb's Avatar
    My wife and I are already registered. So excited. I hope that dollar margarita statement is true because I will be getting hammered then. wo wo fish and booze
  7. melev's Avatar
    You can reserve it now. The hotel is ready to accept reservations. What's time sensitive right now is registering for the event.
  8. DJ in WV's Avatar
    how soon should you make reservations for the hotel, wife and i are planning on going to this one
  9. melev's Avatar
    If it is flash based, it won't run on Apple products like the iPhone and iPad. It should work fine on a iMac. I can't seem to make it larger though.

    The actors were part of the videography company we hired. They did an excellent job, shooting a bunch of new footage for this look and feel.
  10. Hat39406's Avatar
    For some reason I can't even see it here on my iPhone, but I already seen it somewhere else. Are they reefers or actors, Marc? Do you know? Was just wondering. It is a very cool video.
  11. partman1969's Avatar
    Almost thought it was a Droid commercial.
  12. melev's Avatar
    I hope y'all were keeping up with our FB feed, because a bunch of MACNA imagery was shared over the 3-day weekend. If you need a direct link, scroll down and click on our Facebook button now.
  13. Servo's Avatar
    You'll never get to that hunky Avatar of yours if you keep consuming all of those empty carbon chains. Have fun! Remember don't drink and dive.
  14. Nitro's Avatar
    He should be doing a podcast.
  15. Hat39406's Avatar
    I would say have a great time, but with that big bottle of Crown I won't bother!
  16. Myhahockeykid's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    Exactly, it's about the PAR. I'm doing a presentation about PAR at MACNA, and using the data compiled from the 280g as well as the 400g's lighting.
    Looking forward to seeing that posted here
  17. baker.shawn's Avatar
    what would you say your sucess percentage is with Chemi-clean treatments? i currently have some cyano that ive been fighting for months using Blue Life Red Slime Control. what were your steps for treatment?

    because these treatments are erythromycin based did you consider bypassing or unhooking your biopellets to try and save the bacterial life in the reactor.
  18. melev's Avatar
    Henry, I don't keep corals in the frag tank long enough to really notice any discernible growth. It's really a holding station for new acquisitions.
  19. melev's Avatar
    The Acrylic Skimmer Cleaning Tank I made ended up being converted into a frag tank with an external overflow for a local club member. I was only using once or twice a year, plus frag swaps. So I parted with it.

    I use the Lumenbright Large reflectors. They are 20" x 20" x 9".
  20. gerbilbox's Avatar
    Congrats on the 7 month milestone!

    My worms do that every once in a while too, but I never been able to stick around long enough to see where they end up.