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  1. Day 270: My reef at nine months old

    My reef turns nine months old today and some thoughts about the past few weeks.

    To start off, I'd like to showcase some of the newest additions.

    Here's the Branching Tubastrea, usually called a black suncoral. You can see the tissue is dark green. Each night the polyps come out so I can spot feed them.

    Tank Entry
  2. House Fire

    Last night while I was watching a movie, I saw a lot of bright red lights race past my home. We've had paramedics out here for some of my older neighbors in the past, but something made me double check. When I looked up the street, I saw a neighbor's home on fire. So I grabbed my Nikon and a 50mm lens to see if I could get some pictures. Late night shooting isn't easy, and I figured this was a good excuse to try. I shot in Manual mode at a high ISO, and kept the aperture around f/8.