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  1. A testament of life.......

    So I have a 10g tank, in my soon to be fish room, with some old substright, a bio wheel backpack filter and a light. The tank temp is below 60 degrees and the salinity is at 1.023. The light stays on for about an hour a day and has some natural light for the rest of the day. It has been running like this for about a month.

    The first few weeks there was no life at all. Then I saw some small snails moving around the sandbed. A few weeks later I found a small pure white aptaisa and ...
    Tank Entry
  2. Soooo depressed.........

    So I came home today, after a long day of shoveling snow, to find all of my fish dead. Don't know what the hell happened. My corals seem to be doing ok. Most of my zoos are open, my acans are fine and my shrimp is still alive for now. So I did a 5 gallon water change and turned up my skimmer. We will see what happens tomorrow. My lights just went out. What the hell......
    Tank Entry
  3. Pipe size question

    So I need some help on deciding what size pipe I am going to use for my over flow into my fuge. I have a 1400 gph return pump. Any help would be great. Happy reefing.
  4. Kissing chromies should I be worried

    Hey guys. I've got a weird question! Two of my three chromies are kissing alot. It's really the only way I can describe what they are doing. It's not like a peck but more like they are in highschool sucking face. It's really weird. It's almost to the point where I have to sit my son down and have the birds and the bees talk. HELP!!!!!!!

    Updated 01-05-2011 at 11:52 PM by melev

    Questions - Need some input
  5. Boston reef society meeting

    If anyone here is from Ri and wants to get a carpool together to go to the meeting on he 15th send me a pm an we can work out a general meeting point. My plan is to stay for the whole meeting so if time constraints are a problem we can all plan accordingly
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