Blog Comments

  1. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    I've had 2 in a 75 for about 2 years now. I would have had 3 but the store didn't have that many. As long as you add them at the same time, and the tank is big enough >75g IMO, you should be ok.
  2. melev's Avatar
    If they aren't in a bad spot, I'd enjoy them for the time being. They look a little like Orange Ball Anemones.
  3. cyano's Avatar
    what I found was that is is more closely related to a stony coral than an anemone and that it does kill most corals and apparently also kills anemones in competition. I would look at removing them from my tank. oh and they also seem to coat the bottoms of things and eat brine shrimp.
  4. a whiff of grapeshot's Avatar
    i just took it out of the tank and it fell apart, i tried to gently scrub the jelly off with a soft toothbrush but it just came apart. theres a little bit of green between the skeleton but it dont know... i think its gone.
  5. cyano's Avatar
    read up on brown jelly disease then do what you feel is best for your tank, there are some that say to make some freshwater that matched the temp and ph of your tank, add iodine to the freshwater, take a turkey baster and suck all the brown jelly off of it, then pull out the coral and dip it in the freshwater then quarantine it, but if you pull it out and it has that nasty dead coral smell you probably shouldn't waste your time even trying to dip it, but research quickly, time is of the essence and your whole tank is at risk here (personally if i didn't have a quarantine tank I would have tossed it already to try to stop the spread of the infection to the rest of the tank and counted my losses) good luck
  6. a whiff of grapeshot's Avatar
    its gotten worse since i post the picture... i dont want to lose it....
  7. cyano's Avatar
    I agree looks like brown jelly to me as well, if you have a quarantine tank you could do some research real quick on fragging a piece of it then tossing the rest and putting in quarantine, I mean there really is nothing to lose there since the brown jelly will kill it anyway so though it is more stress you may be able to save and regrow a frag sorry
  8. Myhahockeykid's Avatar
    brown jelly disease...sorry to say man, but you're better off tossing it before the infection spreads to your other LPS coral. Put it in a ziploc while underwater so the goo doesnt go anywhere except out of the tank. Brown Jelly is highly contagious and can wipe out a beautiful LPS display in a short time
  9. a whiff of grapeshot's Avatar
    ive added a picture
  10. Midnight's Avatar
    pictures? the coral is bubbling up clear stuff?
  11. a whiff of grapeshot's Avatar
    no phosphates, nitrites, or ammonia, ph is between 8 and 8.2. nitrate is ~ 10 ppm according to the test kit. t5 bulbs are about 8 months old but i dont think its a lighting issue. as for water change, i just did a 10 gallon water change a few days ago. this morning i looked at it again and its bubbling up with some clear stuff. its wierd tough, that my other lps corals are not affected. any advice would be appreciated.
  12. Midnight's Avatar
    post all your stats so we can see that they are all fine. how old are your bulbs? have you tried a water change? could be anything but for us to help we need more.
  13. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Yea nothing like stupid look on their dried up little faces when you finally find them after they have gone missing
  14. Paul B's Avatar
    I have had dozens of them, I think they all jumped out. Great jumpers those fish.
    As long as nothing is in there to chase them, they do fine. But don't scare them.
  15. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I had a pair one jumped and other got smashed when I was reaqua-scaping to get negative( thanks Scott ) Mine never fought and did very well in the reef they pick a hole in the rock to call home they never moved very far from it but they stayed out as long as the lights were on
  16. cyano's Avatar
    when I first got mine as well as my Yellow tang I walk slowly by the tank and gradually walk a little faster and try to let them see me as often as possible, I have had my firefish for about a year with no attempts to jumps and I typically see him from the time the lights come on the in the morning till the time the lights go out, I have rearranged my tank and even moved it and he has never seemed stressed about any of that, the only thing that he didn't like was when I added my yellow tang and he hid in his hole for about a seek, I shot food in there to coax him back out and now he is no longer afraid of the yellow tang and is back out showing himself all day every day again. nothing seems to feel threatened by the firefish in my tank enough to try and scare it, in fact he shares territory with a yellowtail damsel and they do fine together. The firefish can even go where my pair of clowns has claimed with no consequences (though the clowns will only "fight" with the yellowtail if it comes into that area.)
  17. Blake's Avatar
    Firefish adapt extremely well to reef tanks. Personally, I have two a common firefish and a purple firefish. All the experts said that they would fight however they are the best of friends and never leave each others side. there is absolutely zero aggression between these two as well. They are jumpers so secure your lids on your tank haha. These fish show little to no aggression towards any tank mates be them corals, shrimp/crabs, and or other fish with the exception that you should not ever add another common firefish to your tank since you have this little guy because they will fight. The one thing I love about both my firefish is that they stay out where I can see them all day long which is not common practice for firefish lol all other firefish i have encountered hide 95% of the time or come out in a place that you cannot see them. so, expect that of your firefish and I hope yours turn out like mine! they're one or should i say two in a million hahahaGood Luck,Blake
  18. Zoanthrope's Avatar
    I was thinking "gosh that's a huge tank he is walking along side!" oh, wait. it's the OCEAN.

    Still, seriously cool fish behavior. Is the pom pom crab considered a tool user?
  19. a whiff of grapeshot's Avatar
    Thanks Reef Guru!!
  20. melev's Avatar
    If you think you see brown jelly disease, the best thing you can do is siphon out any trace of it. You don't want that sitting on the coral nor sloughing off on other nearby corals. You can dip the affected (and cleaned off) coral in a product like ReVive for 10 minutes to aid in healing.

    I'm not surprised you see brown jelly disease. It was the next thing I was expecting if the coral didn't perk up.
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