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  1. Tank Update & Growth Pics

    I've got some traces of GHA going on in my tank right now. I've dialed back the lights, knocked my feeding back and lessened my bioload. The main bioload drop was the Dendro. I loved that thing, but the bioload was just too much for this small of a tank. The GHA is not taking over at all, just has a few spots here and there. The lawnmower blenny is chowing down on it too! I'll give it a few weeks and see if my current CUC is enough to take care of it, if not I'll pick up a mexican turbo snail ...

    Updated 06-28-2011 at 01:55 PM by matt_longview

    Tank Entry , ‎ New Additions , ‎ Photography/Video
  2. 6 Month Macro Pics & FTS

    All under Blue LEDs only. I started too late after the white's already went off.



    Updated 06-28-2011 at 01:56 PM by matt_longview

    Tank Entry , ‎ Photography/Video
  3. New Rockwork and Tank Update

    Did a lot of work to the tank last night and this morning. Last night I did a really thorough cleaning where I blew off all of the rocks and stirred the sand around as I did my water change. Cleaned off all the glass this morning and such as well. Because of the cleaning I've got some diatoms this evening. They weren't there yesterday... and I doubt they'll be there tomorrow. At least I hope they're gone! ;-) I've got some new corals since the last time I took pics too. I've got two blue ...

    Updated 06-28-2011 at 02:02 PM by matt_longview

    Tank Entry , ‎ New Additions , ‎ Photography/Video
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