Blog Comments

  1. matt_longview's Avatar
    Thanks jim!

    Yes I have my purigen in a bag on the bottom of the media rack. They sell it already sealed in bags in the 100ml size or you can do what I did and buy any media bag 180 micros or less.

    144gph on the return. I'm going to increase this within the next six months or so to 200gph with an eheim compact pump.

    I used lrr (live rock rubble) in the return chamber because I used so little live rock in the tank. I also really like areas that are not lit and clean up crew members cannot get into. Sponges, feather dusters, and all sorts of non photosynthetic filter feeders grow very well in those areas. Pods also multiply very well there...

    The light fixture is simply a spot light that holds a typical bulb. I found one that had some reflecting ability inside and would lok decent sitting beside the tank. Simply used an energy efficient bulb (aka curly compact florescent) at 6500k.

    No problem with the questions. Ask away. If you need pics or better explanations of anything just ask!
  2. JimM's Avatar
    Very nice Matt... clean and elegant! Couple questions though... purigen in a bag? How much flow from the return? LRR on the bottom of the chamber? What kind of light fixture are you running pointed at the chaeto? Sorry so many questions but I have an old 29G I have just resealed and I am debating (in my own mind how to set it up.
  3. matt_longview's Avatar
    I'm running filter pad, chaeto algae then purigen in the first chamber. Second chamber has a bag of chemi-pufe elite and the heater. Live rock rubble, ato switch and return pump in 3rd chamber.

    It's identical to my 29g's filtering.
  4. MonKei's Avatar
    Looks really neat, Matt! Looks like a nice future pad for the BTA and clowns!

    What kind of filter are you planning on running in there, 'fuge and maybe a loose sponge and/or chemipure thing? That's worked pretty well in the AIO boxes that I've put together lately.

    Looking forward to see it with critters in there!
  5. maroun.c's Avatar
    Thanks for the info Matt.
  6. matt_longview's Avatar
    I'll get a pic up tomorrow of the ML-7UV.

    Maroun.c, I didn't actually mount both of the lights over my tank. I had a single fixture setup that I used for each bulb when I took the pictures of them individually over the tank. When I took the pic of both of them on the tank I actually didn't have a second fixture (these bulbs are not the lighting I have on this tank from day to day). So, in the pic where both of them are over the tank I'm actually holding the lamp from my night stand over the tank. Haha. It was at a different angle for sure, but it didn't look bad at all.

    I actually won these lights in nano-reef's anniversary giveaway and don't have a tank for them. I've got them for sale if anyone is interested. Didn't post this for that reason... that's not really what reef-addicts is for. But... if someone is already planning to buy one I can save you a bit of money. *EDIT* The ML-7UV sold this morning.
    Updated 07-23-2011 at 01:46 PM by matt_longview
  7. maroun.c's Avatar
    Nice pics Thanks for sharing.
    I just ordered a PR25UV for my 26 G cube(20x20x18). I thought I couldn't fit an ML7 next to it as then the light would have to be offset to one side of the tank and would look unnatural? Can you please post a pic of how you have them installed over your tank?
  8. melev's Avatar
    Very nice, Matt. Love seeing your updates.
  9. melev's Avatar
    Let's see a picture of the actual new ML-7UV.
  10. matt_longview's Avatar
    Here's some 14k pics. :-)

    Full tank shot from the side.

    Straight on Full tank shot.

    My favorite section of my sand bed with my two clams & Open Brain Coral.
  11. matt_longview's Avatar
    Absolutely. I'll take some tonight or tomorrow. I was at the house with nothing to do and my whites had already gone off for the evening. :-) I also have a PR-25 & an ML-7 from Orphek I'm planning on getting some shots of. That'll be a different post though.

    I'll update this post with some 14k shots. :-)
  12. Midnight's Avatar
    any chance we can get some more pictures with a lil white mixed in?
  13. Hat39406's Avatar
    Beautiful Matt!
  14. DJ in WV's Avatar
    looking good
  15. Heathd's Avatar
    Great looking tank, it looks like everything is growing nicely. I love the lawnmower, they have great personalities, and it seems like mine is always around for a photo session.
  16. Hat39406's Avatar
    Beautiful Matt! I love the color in the tank. I really like the War Coral, growing nicely.
  17. matt_longview's Avatar
    Yeah. Can't grow without nutrients! Thats why I got rid of the dendro. It was fantastic. I really lived it, but I had to feed out every single day... and it would eat a lot! I would feed it half a piece of krill and it was just 1 head. It was doing really well, so it had 5 more heads forming and I thought oh no.... I can't keep feeding like this in this small of a tank! That and getting rid of the mandarin dragonet were big parts of reducing the bioload. The gha is not taking over, it seems to be staying where it is... so as long as it is controllable I'm not going to do anything dramatic. :-)
  18. snorkeler's Avatar
    Nice growth! On the GHA probably reducing the food you give will be the killer.
  19. matt_longview's Avatar
    Thanks Hat and Cyano. I didn't break out the tripod for the shots yesterday, so I didn't get a FTS. I actually just grabbed the camera because my coral banded shrimp walked across my duncan and I saw all those new heads! lol. :-)

    Here's a FTS from earlier this month.
  20. cyano's Avatar
    looks good, do you have any full tank shots so we can put everything in perspective yet?
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