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Tank Entry

  1. TH3C1SC0K1D's Tiger Tail Cucumber Evisceration.

    Possible Tiger Tail Cucumber Birth
    Saturday, June 18, 2011 at 10:25am

    So a added a Tiger Tail Cucumber into my 10 gallon aquarium about 5 days ago. I had purchased one for myself and one for my coworker and these were larger then I have ever seen (about 8 inches in length and the other 11 inches in length). I kept the smaller one based on the fact that I had the smaller aquarium. It had been cruising around the top of the aquarium for about 2 days and yesterday I didn't ...

    Updated 06-18-2011 at 07:11 PM by TH3C1SC0K1D

    Questions - Need some input , ‎ NEED HELP STAT! , ‎ Tank Entry
  2. Bubble Magus BM-NAC5E External Hang On Back Protein Skimmer Review.

    Bubble Magus BM-NAC5E External Protein Skimmer

    I think the time has come to replace the Seaclone 100 Protein Skimmer. I has been doing its job as well as it can but I am finally at a point in the setup were I would like to purchase something of better quality and more efficiency. My only draw back is that I do not have a sump so I am limited to Hang On Back Protein Skimmers. I have heard that Bubble Magus Protein Skimmers have a quality build, reliable pumps and are extremely efficient ...

    Updated 07-16-2011 at 06:11 PM by TH3C1SC0K1D

    Tank Entry , ‎ Water Chemistry , ‎ Equipment
  3. TH3C1SC0K1D's Frankenstein Aquarium (Brightwell Microbacter7 Dosing).

    Brightwell Aquatics Microbacter7 Dosing

    I just received my Brightwell Aquatics Microbacter7 additive and I am going to start the dosing my systems with it to assist with seeding of Biological Filtration and reducing the level of excess nutrients and waste material within the water. According to the instructions I must add approximately 4 drops per 1 gallon (I have added 20 drops to my aquarium) and will have to leave the Protein Skimmer off for a period of 4 hours after each dose (in ...

    Updated 06-15-2011 at 10:50 PM by TH3C1SC0K1D

    Tank Entry , ‎ Water Chemistry
  4. TH3C1SC0K1D's Frankenstein Aquarium.

    Well let me first start things by saying that I am not new in the aquarium hobby. I have been into the hobby on and off for about 6 years now and I am in the process of saving for my own home which may take about a year or two so I can't really justify starting a project on a huge reef aquarium (my ultimate goal is at minimum a 400 gallon reef aquarium). I purchased a small Fluval Chi 5.5 gallon aquarium for one of my sons which I soon found out was not the best decision I could have made for ...

    Updated 06-15-2011 at 10:31 PM by TH3C1SC0K1D

    Tank Entry , ‎ Tank - Full Summary , ‎ Water Chemistry
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