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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. Mandarin Setosa

    My lfs owner called me today and said he would have a mandarin setosa coming in today. I googled this coral to try and get a better understanding of the placement and care needs. It looks to have a really strong orange/red color and it's seems to have guidelines for care like other montipora, but I was wondering if any of y'all have this coral & if so where is it's placement in u're tank w/ reguards to flow & lighting.
  2. EcoTech question

    Hello guys. I've been recently considering a possible upgrade to the EcoTech series of controller(s) powerhead. I really don"t know very much a/b these units, at all. I have a 46 gallon tall reef tank and i was wondering what size of the EcoTech units i would need and the benefits of a wireless driver or not? I will one day, have a larger tank, nothing larger than 90 gallons, and would like the EcoTech that could transfer to that tank. I've seen alot of u're tank pics, on here, have these EcoTech ...
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Equipment