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  1. Progress

    First I didn't get the water testing done, will get those results tonight. Reason didn't get the testing done...

    I didn't realize how much I had neglected the small things. I went shopping early Saturday, what I picked up:

    1. Replacement filters and resin for RO/DI
    2. Reef Putty (don't care for the stuff, but sometimes superglue doesn't cut it)
    3. Carbon
    4. Nylon bag 4x12
    5. Didn't get salt, Jen at FAOIS said it would be onsale in two weeks ...
    Tank Entry
  2. Advice Needed

    I'm preparing my shopping list for this Saturdays trip to my local LFS(FAOIS). So far my list consists of the following:

    Replacement Filters for RO/DI, Calc/KH test kits, Salt.

    Here's where I need advice. I have an OLD Nova Extreme 8x54w T5HO fixture with the single reflector. It's not ideal, and bulbs are 13months old so they need replacement. I bounced a couple of ideas around. I would hate to spend the money on new bulbs for a fixture that isn't ideal, and that ...
    Tank Entry
  3. Before Part Deux

  4. Before Picture

    Before I begin a road to becoming a healthy reefer, here is the before picture. Which I must admit doesn't look horrible.

    Updated 01-12-2010 at 01:01 PM by melev

    Tank Entry
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