Blog Comments

  1. adam's Avatar
    The idea with biopelets is they use up all nutrients. Some people running biopelets don't have enough phosphates and nitrates leftover to grow micoalge. If you have the space I'd try a fuge. It's a great place to culture pods, increase water volume and helps maintain PH. If you can't grow microalge try a crypitc fuge.
  2. DJ in WV's Avatar
    remember a fug is more than just a place for algaes.
  3. ducks247's Avatar
    From reading the threads on the tanks I've been following it seems that it is 50/50 on the refugiums, when I was in it a few years ago it was the "thing". With the limited space I have I could use the space for something else if it wasn't needed but trying to figure out if it will help my system overall or not. If it will I want to keep it.
  4. melev's Avatar
    I don't know the answer to your skimmer question, but the brand is well-respected. People running biopellets seem to have mixed results with refugiums. Some can't keep plants alive. Mine thrive. Go figure.

    The thing I don't have is a lot of nuisance algae in my reef, and I attribute that to the refugium's macro algae. The biopellets keep my nitrate and phosphate at zero, according to my test kits.