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Tank Entry

  1. How I spent my birthday or Day 6 of the build...

    Day 6 of work or What a way to spend your birthday.

    Well I fell into some money so I now have enough to finish this project 100%.

    Well we started by doing the electrical, 20 outlets in all. I wanted to make sure I had enough....

    Then it was on to insulation, and I did put 6 mil plastic on as well just no picture of the plastic.

    Tank Entry , ‎ Electrical , ‎ New Additions , ‎ DIY projects
  2. Ever have a fish die for no reason?

    For the last two days I've been sick and my normal standing in front of the tank for hours has been reduced. I just fed the tank, cleaned the glass and went back to the couch. Today I was feeling better and spent some time after feeding and I noticed my Royal Gramma didn't eat, come to think of it I hadn't see him the last two days. So I started looking and found him dead under a rock, as soon as I moved the rock he floated to the surface. I've had him two years and the previous owner had had ...
  3. My 240g upgrade

    Well after a few years in the hobby I feel its time for an upgrade. What better time to look for a larger tank than when the wife is out of town.

    So I started searching for a larger tank, luck lead me to a nice 240g along with 2 ice cap ballast's, rubbermaid holding tank, reef flo pump, and a whole lot of plumbing.

    Step 1. Call wife and tell her I'm buying a tank-check

    Step 2. Find a place to put it-Check

    Step 3. Clean out spot-ummm ya heres ...

    Updated 09-06-2010 at 10:54 PM by Blown76mav

    Tank Entry , ‎ Electrical , ‎ Plumbing , ‎ Lighting , ‎ DIY projects
  4. Blown76mav's tank build

    Ok where to start.

    This is what I started with a 65g in the living room with a 30g sump, Mag 7 pump, Aqua C Remora Pro and a few Korella 3's. Nice little tank but it was extremely noisy and the saltwater container took up a lot of room. I also didn't know any better and put a Koran Angle in the tank. Man what a beautiful fish and until I put a brain coral in the tank it was a model citizen.

    Updated 01-07-2010 at 12:55 PM by melev

    Tank Entry , ‎ Tank - Full Summary , ‎ Plumbing
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