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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. Anyone know what these are?

    by , 05-20-2012 at 06:04 PM (180g Tank Build - 11 mos. and counting.)
    They look like algae grazers - have the mouth of an astrea snail, but are SUPER FAST. Shell has no spiral to it - looks more like a cupped hand or something. Anyway, I didn't think much about them until I found one 'spawning' in my frag tank. They release eggs or offspring or whatever directly into the water column. Since then, I have been executing them on a regular basis - but for every one I kill, I suspect there are 20 I don't see. Not sure if they're OK or not, but I just realized that ...
  2. Considering making a change... From GenX PCX-55 to Reeflo Dart

    by , 02-06-2012 at 12:22 PM (180g Tank Build - 11 mos. and counting.)
    For flow and power consumption reasons, I'm considering making a change for my main system pump from the PCX-55 to the Reeflo Dart. At first glance, it seems that I may be ?doubling? my flow with an 8' head - and potentially consuming far less wattage. I know the spec for the GENX pump (an Iwaki knockoff as far as I can tell) says something like 170W - but my experience has been more like ~220-240W. Currently, I use the pump to feed a manifold that serves my main tank, my skimmer, my fuge, frag ...
  3. Looking for your favorite internet order coral dealer

    by , 12-06-2011 at 11:37 PM (180g Tank Build - 11 mos. and counting.)
    I've ordered from and Both are good - any other recommendations/favorites?
  4. Tank sitting options

    by , 11-22-2011 at 09:07 AM (180g Tank Build - 11 mos. and counting.)
    I'm going to be out of town for an 8 week stretch next year and I'm really worried about my reef . Anyone have suggestions about what to do to give me some piece of mind? My options so far are 1) a local fairly reputable tank maintenance company and 2) the wife's little brothers (18 and 21) who are responsible, but not experienced with reefs and live an hour away. Both options have their problems as you may imagine... Any other suggestions?
  5. Anyone have a favorite movable background between their tank and their fish room?

    by , 11-07-2011 at 11:58 AM (180g Tank Build - 11 mos. and counting.)
    I'm wondering if some type of drawable blind is the answer. I like being able to see my aquarium from the fish room side, but I don't like being able to see my fish room from the front of the aquarium. Any descriptions/pictures would be much appreciated!
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