Blog Comments

  1. DJ in WV's Avatar
    do you like the cat2e? I run on my 180 also with about 250ish total volume. I have the askol on mine with the water cooling mod. I believe you meant bubble blaster pump ( bubbleking is a different skimmer) Have you had any trouble with it I have had a few start up issues with the askol on mine. Looks good I jealous I have not been able to get my tank as well stock as your yet, we have 8 kids and it puts a serious damper on my reefing budget. I have the ugliest fishroom on here look at some of my build threads and look at the mess I started with, Your in good shape Thanks for sharing
  2. blennyman's Avatar
    Ah - good to know about the picture size. I did a resize and aimed a bit low.

    I do have a single reef chromis - I'd say he's almost 3 inches long and along with the purple tang and lawnmower blenny is among the longest residents in my reef. Started out with ~6 or so of them thinking they would school like b/g chromis and be quite peaceful. They do school, but peaceful they are not. They pick on the smallest one until it dies and on up the line until there is only one left. THEN they become relatively peaceful - though he's always the first to harass a new tank addition by flipping his tail fin in the new tank mate's face. Even so, he's quite beautiful. Great coloration and such an effortless skimmer. The only more agile swimmers are the anthias and the carpenter's wrasse.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    Agreed, very nice, BlennyMan!
  4. jlemoine2's Avatar
    I agree with Midnight, the pictures look fine in quality... but they are small. You have quite the setup going there. How big is that fish room? I appears you have some blue reef chromis, how big are they?
  5. jlemoine2's Avatar
    Yes indeed, that wood is different than what most people have. I like it... very unique. Well done!
  6. Midnight's Avatar
    I like the backgammon look
  7. Midnight's Avatar
    The pictures look fine, though a tad small. We are are all underfed picture devourers that like lots of large pictures, lol!
  8. blennyman's Avatar
    Thanks for the tips, Marc. It seems I will ride your coattails a bit further! It may not be obvious, but I'm sure there are countless other reefers out there like me who have studied your web articles closely - helping to give them a good head start into understanding the strange science of reefing. I'm always dumbfounded that you've had pretty much every good and bad experience I've gone through and already explored and shared your experience. Thanks! I really appreciate it.
  9. blennyman's Avatar
    Tank intro - Done! Thanks for the warm welcomes.
  10. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Hat does a fts thread at the begining of every month You should post he gets pretty nasty with people that dont participate
  11. melev's Avatar
    You can add as many pictures as you like to your blog entry, there isn't a limit like some forums require. Feel free to make a giant entry / summation. (The only thing I suggest is keeping a copy on your end in case of any software issues. Copy and paste your work into Notepad prior to submitting so all your effort doesn't get devoured by the occasionally bad-timed glitch.)
  12. melev's Avatar
    Aha, we got another one! Welcome to RA, Bryan. It'll be nice to see pictures of your setup and here all about how it runs.
  13. Midnight's Avatar
    Cool, welcome to our little niche.
  14. DJ in WV's Avatar
    look forward to hearing about the build. I did the same thing took over 80 percent of the basement
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