Blog Comments

  1. scarin's Avatar
    After doing a lot of reading and the comments posted here, as well as discussions with my LFS, I opted to go the Chemiclean route. Dosed full amount per directions on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving night, all cyano was gone, water had a red tint from debris in suspension. Did a large water change, brought carbon and gfo back online and ran that for 3 hours or so. Then brought skimmer online. Dealt with foaming. By Sunday all was well and had water tested at LFS. All parameters were inline. Did a followup water test last Sunday and all is still well. Will be doing another water change this weekend as well as changing out carbon just to be safe. So far the tank is doing well, many corals are noticeably doing better as there is no encroaching cyano. Have to say I would do it again without hesitation.
  2. baker.shawn's Avatar
    my tank went through a rough patch with cyano lasting months, i blogged lots about it, i went crazy trying to take care of it, I used biopellets, manual removal, multiple treatments of redslime remover, water changes and weekly feeding nothing really worked so I gave up.

    about a month ago i started dosing Elos omega & super skimmer every night, i noticed if i ever missed a night my cyano would flare up, with continued dosing I’ve been cyano free now for almost 2 months, and biologically it makes sense, If the super skimmer is providing nutrients to beneficial bacteria but I don’t really know lol . i also feed twice daily and do water changes religiously every week

    in your case id say try the blackout, nothing bad can happen, every natural reef has cloudy days, then you can always try chemiclean
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    My tank went through an out break early in its life and I wiped it out with chemiclean. Have not seen it come back until I recently added a frag tank to my system. It has stayed primarily in the frag tank and only on the sand. I am hoping it will go away on its own.
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey Scarin, welcome to the site. You probably saw my post about the Bubble coral. Yes lights out killed my colony. See if you can have a frien or LFS hold the coral if you go that route.

    I used Chemi-Clean after doing lights out because once I turned the lights on again the Cyano would come back. I did the Chemi-Clean twice due to the take over of the Cyano. I never saw Cyano again; tank was super clean. Just follow the direction carefully.

    Good Luck!

  5. cyano's Avatar
    I recently had the same issue and after coming to the same two options I opted to do a chemiclean solution, I dosed half of the recommended dosage, did a major water water change before and after and siphoned all the cyano out that I could before the first big water change. It worked for me and hasn't come back since and that was about 4 months ago. I have even dosed a second time since just to make sure it didn't come back but have not had any ill effects to the tank as a result of the dosage