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Tank Entry

  1. A month gone by...

    Been a while since I've made the rounds, I thought I'd post some details of the display. First, a full tank shot from about a week ago.

    While I'm very happy with the rock, I have noticed a lot of brown algae growth. After speaking with others who have used Marco rocks, this is not uncommon. Fortunately, it blows right off the rock and the turbo snails make quick work ...

    Updated 02-24-2011 at 01:17 AM by melev

    Tank Entry
  2. Water and a Full Tank Shot

    Been a bit since I updated, but not since I've made progress. Boom.

    I cut the wall and glued the trim in place on the 26th, then had a few friends sneak over to help me slide the tank in place. It was a relatively straight forward event. The glass touches the wood trim that I've installed, and once it's all settled I'll caulk it together. I hesitated a few days on filling it though, ...

    Updated 01-01-2011 at 08:59 PM by melev

    Tank Entry
  3. Groundwork

    First post here, but some of you may recognize this from the interwebs elsewhere. I have a 300 gallon tank sitting in my garage that hopes to be filled in the near future.

    To make a long story short, we had a house built and I sold my 150 gallon setup. In the new house, which has a 4 bay garage (three wide, middle one is a tandem), I decided to close up part of the tandem for a fish room to look ...

    Updated 09-16-2010 at 12:56 AM by melev

    Tank Entry