Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    Agreed. The clown is getting a taste for it, which allows it to host in it if the anemone can handle the initial assault.
  2. cyano's Avatar
    maroon clowns are some of the roughest clowns with their host anemones. This is not unheard of and typically you need a anemone that is at least 3x's larger than the clown it is hosting but with some maroons I have heard of even bigger recommendations. There are a ton of forum posts and blogs about this particular issue and unfortunately your anemone may not survive the love assault keep a close eye on it and if it starts looking bad, going inside out, detaching from it's surface, or "dissolving" in the water column you will have to pull it before it pollutes your tank. In the meantime if you have a separate tank or some type of divider you can place in the tank to keep the clown away from it while it attempts to recover that would not be a bad idea. good luck and keep us posted
  3. melev's Avatar
    Glad your didn't lose anything, Jose.
  4. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I lost one before the recall. didnt buy a second Ill never buy another glass tube heater ever
  5. evoracer's Avatar
    I always promote that anyone keeping tangs grow food for them in either the fuge or a grow-out tank. Dried seaweed (nori) is pretty empty nutrition-wise. Red Ogo is ideal, and it grows fast and easily like chaeto.
  6. josediazfl's Avatar
    Thats why I got him because I saw him eating at the LFS. I always make them feed the fish in front of me. They dont really like it but hey if they want to sell it I like to see it eat. Thanks for your comments my friend and sorry about your kole.
  7. cyano's Avatar
    I had one and yes they spend their whole day eating and picking at everything including the glass, mine didn't seem to get along with the orange spot goby at all and would chase it around the tank. I could never get mine to eat dried seaweed and it eventually perished so hopefully you are able to get yours to eat a good herbivore based diet for continued good health, good luck
  8. baker.shawn's Avatar
    welcome!! cant wait to see the tank!
  9. matt_longview's Avatar
    Welcome! Hope to see some more blogs from you with some pics! :-)
  10. jlemoine2's Avatar
    Hello and welcome! We are looking forward to seeing some details and pictures of your setup.
  11. melev's Avatar
    Welcome to Reef Addicts.