Blog Comments

  1. Jessy's Avatar
    Wow! You so should have had someone there taking pics of it
  2. melev's Avatar
    I hope so! Good thinking. I had a clownfish do the same thing years ago, and I felt so badly for it. However, when I put the net in the tank, the clownfish got so scared it spit out the food and ran for the other end. Problem solved.
  3. temperhead's Avatar
    no picks yet, but all i can say is wow thats some white sand, and a little cloudy water but well worth it! now i just need to keep him well fed.
  4. doomicon's Avatar
    I've always wanted one, and my wife has been beggin me for one. So I've gotta research for possible purchase when I get my tank in order
  5. Jessy's Avatar
    foto por favor
  6. Trido's Avatar
    Ive had a couple over the life of my tank. They always tend to starve to death. My tangs chased the last one I bought overboard within a half hour. Ive given up since. Now Im the sand sifter via turkey baster.