Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    That sounds about right. Looking forward to your future blog entries and pictures.
  2. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    As someone who's done long and painful battles with hair algae in the past, what are your total filtration plans? Are you re-using the rock and sand?
  3. melev's Avatar
    It's ready alright. What's your plan for livestock choices?
  4. Midnight's Avatar
    Well, it looks clean, Now just fill it up!
  5. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I'll second that. I love the look of bright clean equipment. Vinegar and Muriatic acid are wonderful things. Though I always feel a twing of guilt scraping off the little tube worms that seem to cover everything in my tank eventually.
  6. melev's Avatar
    It always makes me feel better when my gear is clean, so even though I don't relish the task, it's an important one.
  7. gettareef's Avatar
    Wow, that looks much better. Great job. Looks awesome!
  8. bazzinga13's Avatar
    Thanks Marc it annoys me when people jump into this hobby minus any knowledge, tank was neglected and the guy even had a boxer and cleaner shrimp in same tank sadly cleaner became a midnight snack for boxer, will always research and research again before i buy a a fish or invert. Love the Copperband Butterfly and Box Fish but won't have either because of having corals now.

    Tank getting there slowly and a couple more corals and i will have my ideal reef I hope.

    Looking forward to updates on your new project and going throughout the reef addicts podcasts again

  9. melev's Avatar
    That looks vastly improved. That's what happens when you put livestock in the hands of a dedicated reef addict.
  10. joeogio's Avatar
    looking better! keep us posted
  11. cyano's Avatar
    good luck and keep us posted on the progress