Blog Comments

  1. clstreak's Avatar
    It might be building code.. I know it is here in my town.. sumthing to fire code here.. cant remember the exact name..
  2. melev's Avatar
    Making progress. Why are you staggering those horizontal firewall blocks? Just curious.
  3. mhowe9's Avatar
    Managed to finish the left side wall this weekend.


    Installation of particle board and white board

    White board installation complete

    Excess board cut off of left wall and glass block window

  4. mhowe9's Avatar
    Thanks clstreak. Looking forward to the pics
  5. clstreak's Avatar
    I really like your ideas and i have a part of my basement all set up with properly wired with 3 differnt circt breakers and i even wired one wall with 10 gage wire (omg what a pain) when i get it all sorted out i would like to start setting up a staging area for sumting smaller like what you have planned at first Mhowe9 ill get some pictures.. I have a small bar on one side with a sink and fridge.. but i have probbly a 15x14 room to work with.. Id like to get into breeding some clowns in the future..
  6. mhowe9's Avatar
    I took a look for the plastic strips and didnt' see them. One thing I forgot to mention was that I put most of the screws on the seams, which I can also cover with some moulding.
  7. melev's Avatar
    I believe you are supposed to buy interlocking plastic strips that bind the two to the wall. Liquid Nails should have held it, but perhaps the climate conditions weren't ideal.
  8. mhowe9's Avatar
    Yeah I hear you Marc. It drove me nuts trying to repackage everything. Thanks for the info on the prior poss. Most of the screw holes will honestly be covered up be either sumps or breeding systems. I am going to try and either paint or if that doesn't work caulk them. The screw holes came as an emergency for the first board when the liquid nails didn't hold.
  9. melev's Avatar
    Don't you hate it when you have to change your plans because something is in the way? I feel for ya, after all I just rerouted copper pipe in concrete to stick to my desired plan.

    FYI, to see previous blog entries by a person, check the righthand column for this widget:

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    How are you going to cover up all the screw holes in that white board?
  10. mhowe9's Avatar
    I am a little bit of fan of over-kill when I comes to stands. I built something very similar on my 180G. There is a design by someone called Rocket Engineer on RC that I used when I built my 180. I basically followed the same concept. The basic idea is to not have any of the load on the screws/nails. All of the load should be on the wood.

    Thanks again for the compliments.
    Updated 09-12-2010 at 08:22 PM by mhowe9
  11. Hat39406's Avatar
    You are welcome! I believe if I ever build a stand I will copy off you. I want a stand thaat is going to hold. Looking at some of the factory stands, wwow, they don't look like they would hold up. Especially when you have a real large tank, like you have. I know that you don't need to build it too "thick" but I would just for the piece of mind. I like your design! ;-)
  12. mhowe9's Avatar
    Thanks Hat!
  13. Hat39406's Avatar
    Haha.. Right after I posted the pics appeared. Very nice progress! Tanks a monster! ;-)
  14. Hat39406's Avatar
    For some reason I can only see the first pic with my iPhone. :-( I'm moving my office in my home right now and can't wait until my desktop is in place so I can see all ya pics.
  15. mhowe9's Avatar
    I am looking forward to the in-wall. I have liked all of the in-wall tanks that I have seen in person.
  16. Mockery's Avatar
    Very nice. You will love the in wall look. I know I do.
  17. mhowe9's Avatar
    Thanks HeneryH! BRT is Black Round Tub
  18. mhowe9's Avatar
    Thanks Marc. I will need some ball valves for sure. I am going to try and cover the plumbing with my aquascape. I am also going to do something different with plumbing the frag tank.
  19. melev's Avatar
    Well, I think you are going to see a lot of plumbing pipes from the back of the tank. You may need to add some ball valves to dial in the flow to each particular location.

    The one drawback I see is a worst case scenario. Please be sure to install a ball valve above each pump, as well as on the intake side. I once had a Dart blow a seal, and when that happens water comes out of the impellar shroud near the ceramic seal. If yours were to do the same, it would be very important to close both valves to prevent the tank from draining to the lowest point.

    This is always the danger of a closed loop, so planning accordingly is a natural response. Don't be scared of it, just anticipate that type of risk. Any fitting can crack or burst, period.
  20. HeneryH's Avatar
    Big Round Tub ??
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