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  1. Help with lighting

    Hey all I need some opinions. I just replaced my coralife 150W 10,000K bulb with an XM 150 W 15,000K bulb. Now, it looks good with my 2 supplemental 65W actinic power compact bulbs, but it is VERY blue overall. I now need to replace the 65 watters and want to know opinions as to what to use. 2 10,000K bulbs? 1 10K bulb and 1 actinic? I want to put some brightness into the tank without slacking off on the actinic.

    Ideas??? Thanks!!!!!
  2. The Reffers Itch!

    Am I the only one who has this infernal itch? The one that makes us cruise ebay and craigslist to see if some else’s misfortune will net us a big new tank!!!??? The one that makes us rationalize that we need new lights for the tank instead of say, new tires on the car before winter? The very same itch that makes us see space for another coral in the tank when no such space exists? You know the feeling, when you decide that 20 times water turnover is just not enough? Or that changing the timers ...