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Random Thoughts

  1. Nomenclature for the Dazed and Confused Reefer

    I’m a bit, well- confused…In the reef aquarium hobby and trade, we tend have our own ways of naming things. In fact, “common” names and scientific names get interchanged, mixed up, whipped to a froth, beaten to a pulp, twisted, and otherwise whacked out. Madness ensues…

    Case in point- a recent discussion I saw between hobbyists, discussing the identity of a soft coral. It went something like, “That’s a Blue Xenia!” Another hobbyist chimed in, “Nah, it’s a Cespitularia!” Still another ...

    Updated 09-07-2011 at 01:20 AM by melev

    Random Thoughts
  2. Who Loves the Grey Fishes?

    Why do I like small , grey fishes? Why do I covet fishes and corals that most people find rather uninteresting? Why do I get excited about great Sarcophyton, Acropora yongei, and Fungia specimens way more than I do about almost any other corals? Do I not get out enough? Am I too cool to jump on the bandwagon of new corals? Or, could it simply be that, after several decades in the hobby- I’ve learned to be honest with myself about what I like? Hmm…is there a lesson here? Or even a blog? Let’s see… ...

    Updated 08-17-2011 at 02:13 AM by melev

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