Blog Comments

  1. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Nifty little trick of hiding the ATO tube, I like it.
  2. OneReef's Avatar
    @Alaska Phil: Honestly, I am not quite sure how large they get, I treid to google search that, but didn't find much.
  3. fchidsey's Avatar
    That fish is an Anthias it is very cool looking To me it looks like a fish that would be in Fred Flintstones SWFT.
  4. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    That's a cool little Anthias, how big do they get?
  5. melev's Avatar
    I love that fish. I'd like to get one or two in the future.
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    Very nice selection. Do you have any more full tank pics?
  7. FISH PROS's Avatar
    handsome fish
  8. cdmorrison01's Avatar
  9. Ryan's Avatar
    Nice job! That's a good looking catch.
  10. melev's Avatar
    What a simple choice that worked like a champ. The only thing you didn't do right was that you should have used a bamboo pole. LOL Very pretty fish. I wonder if you leave him in time out for a week, then reintroduce him, he might behave better?
  11. OneReef's Avatar
    @melev: Yes, the sweeps were shallow. I used alot of cement and pushed them in hard and held them in place for awhile for a good fit. Hopefully they hold up... No leaks as of a week now. As far as the PVC to the attic, it is just a 4" diameter pipe two foot long that I bought at Lowe's. It does appear to have some kind of slick coating on the inside. Not sure what it is though.
  12. melev's Avatar
    Great entry, very nice summation and the tank looks very nice right now. It'll look even better as it grows in.

    Something worth mentioning are those two 90-degree sweeps. They are designed for drains (which is what you used them for) but their sockets are very shallow. Most PVC fittings are 1" deep, if not more. Sweeps are maybe 1/2", if I recall correctly. It is imperative that those be glued squarely and completely since they have so little surface area to adhere against.

    That one picture inside the vent pipe into the attic, it looks like it is lined with something. Is that just an illusion?
  13. marks69's Avatar
    yep missed that. i used to work for the insurance company's doing the repairs and have seen some awful things in houses
  14. OneReef's Avatar
    @mark69: you must have missed where I wrote that I am installing a plastic dryer vent to the PVC end to take the air out of the attic......
  15. marks69's Avatar
    don't leave the pipe in the attick. the mold from the moisture will start and you don't want that. cost's a fortune to remove, and can make you very sick. run it out a gable, or into a roof vent and seal off the inside if you can't find anything else. or install a stink pipe out through the roof, just like the plumbing.
    other than that looking good
  16. OneReef's Avatar
    @midnight: Basically, I used the extended pipe with endcap so it could rest on the Eurobracing for support. I made the return pipe a bit taller than I expected, so for now, the ends just rest on some spare PVC parts. The long PVC pipe out to the ends would hang down and sag if not supported by something, and I thought using the endcap would work out ok.
  17. Midnight's Avatar
    wow nice setup. Question, on your return lines you have a capped off T at either end above the lock line. why not just use an elbow, is this for future expansion?
  18. Douwant2play's Avatar
    Very nice. I really like the dimensions of it too. I love the shallow tanks!
  19. marks69's Avatar
    nice looking tank. i really like the stand.
  20. mledford's Avatar
    Thats a cool set-up. Keep us posted with more pics.
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